Page 165 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 165
State finances, 1928-1932 467
the old material, which has been put up twelve years
ago, was found to be rotten, The area of the roof
is about 380923q. ft. The work was carried out
departmontally. Cost Rs. 14,215/6/-.
Shia School. This building on the south
side of the town, consists of four rooms with a wide
veranda round the outside, At present half of the
school as planned has boen built, It is hoped to
complete the whole during the next year. The school
is solid handsome structure and is tho largest and
most important building that has been built by the State
and not by contract. Cost Rs 13,666/6/4, of which
Rs 5,540/- was publicly subscribed.
Kaharak Pier. A special grant was made to the
Kaharak Municipality for building a foot passengers’
pier from the head of the Customs Pier to the deep
water. The pier consists of two loose walks of
flat Murabba stone with a centre filling of loose
fishti' coral 3tone. Passengers con now alight on
the pier at low tide instead of having to wade, or
ride on donkeys, from their boats to the Customs
Pier through shallow water and mud. The shore at
Kaharak, unlike the shore at Manama, consists of
mud down to a very considerable depth. cost Rs 6096/-
Married Quarters.Fort, The existing married
quarters were all repaired and new ones were built.
There is now accomodation for 48families, Each
quarter is a two room building. Cost. Rs 6977/-
Artesian wells. Threo artesian wells were
sunk by tho Government during the year; one at the
village of Zellag, ono in the Fort and one in tho
Palace Garden, The last is provided with two very
large cement tanks and ooraont irrigation ohannols.
Cost. todBflMfcbc Rs 8009/-.