Page 169 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 169

State finances, 1928-1932                471

                                Tho Ruling Family in largo and over
                         increasing.   Y/hon each young Shaikhling
                         marries he demnndo an nllowo/ice from the Civil
                         List.   \Yhon, occasionally, nn old shaikh dio3
                         Shaikh Hamad always allots his salary to his
                         heirs.   v.'ith 1 think^two exceptions,none of
                         the Ruling Family make any nttompts to earn

                         their Own living.    Bocnusc they nre of the
                         Khalifa they aim expect to be supported from
                         State Funds.   Almost all of them constantly
                         apply to Khaikh ilamad for higher allowances.
                         Shaikh Hamad is very good nntured and as tho
                         money is paid from State Funds, not from his
                         privy purse, he does not discourage these
                                Every year the State incurs additional
                         oxpcnditurc such as Eduuation, Municipalities,

                         etc., and the revenue does not increase corres­
                         pondingly .
                                At present there nre no serious finan­
                         cial difficulties but it is necessary to con­
                         sider the futuro.
                                I have talked to Shaikh liarnad on the
                         subject innumerable times but ho fails to appre­

                         ciate the necessity of keeping down the Civil
                         List.   V/hen I speak about it £e he always
                         replies "Inohallah" 'the Rovonuo will Increase’1
                         It docs not.
                                I believe that Shaikh Hamad agreed to
                         make no changes in the Civil List without dis­
                         cussing it with the Political Agent,    If this
                         is so I should be greatly assisted if you would
                         oeo your way to writing an official reminder
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