Page 171 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 171
Stale finances, 1928-1932 473
-4- . r
I understand that in some Indian States
a dofinitc percentage of rnvenue is sot apart
for the Civil List. It increases and decreases
according to the Revenue. I suppose each years
Civil List is assessed on tho previous year's
revenue. I should be glad if you could give'me
any particulars of this oystem and inform me
whether you think it would be wise to suggest it
to Shaikh Hamad.
At present Shaikh Hamad takes only a very
slight interest in the revenue, knowing that his
allowances are not directly affected by it, and
tho other members of the Khalifa family take no
interest in it at all. I do not think that
half a dozen of them know whether the revenue
is ten or thirty lacs, If their salaries were
directly affected they would co-operate more
in increasing this revenue. One difficulty is
that already the Civil List absorhs almost 4Trf,
of the estimated revenue.
Tho enclosed figures will show the position
since I have been in Bahrain.
I have the honour to bo,
Your Ohedient Servant,
Financial Adviser.