Page 176 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 176

478                        Records of Bahrain

                               handled them. I think the Bahrain Government liavo made:.a
                               great mistake in uending G boys at a coot of Bo l3,00.0/r :
                               bo far a fiold au Boyrout. Thooe boyc do not appour to
                               have been uolcctod by examination and their parents are
                               well ablo to pay for their own education thomoolvcs,
                               threo of tho boys being the oono of mombero of the ruling:

                               family who are already in rccoipt of allowanceo of. . ,
                               Ro 0,000/- and Bo 3,000/- por monuom from the State, Bad •
                                thio sum been spent on a well qualified head master and
                                a ocionoo master, one of the existing inefficient lower .
                               middle ochoolo could have been made into a roally good •
                                secondary oohool and theoo boyo educatod in Bahrain, One
                                at loast hao already managed to acquire a markod American
                                accent and I think the State could huvo achieved good •
                                results with far less oxponditure by sending them to
                                                                              a. t
                                Baghdad, Nor is Bey rout, Y/hich concentrate a in^small
                                area the moat unpleasant attributes of tho Levant, the •
                                place fe which one would choose to oend a. child^at the  : I-
                                most inproBsionablo period of hio life,
                                7,       l£r, Belgrave deserves great credit for tho tranofor
                                of the Shiah Waqfn from tho Q,adhis to a popular ooramittee.
                                Thoy have already mado great strides, and have discovered
                                by poroonul tours that thoro are many Waqfs in outlying
                                villages whoso existence was unknown. Mombora of tho •  ■ :: %
                                committoe ure usually housed freo in villageo they visit,
                                and the new arrangement hao proved so satisfactory that
                                thoro is little doubt that the Sunnis will soon bestir
                                themselves and take over thoir Waqfo from the three Qadhis,
                                Y/hen this is done it ohould bo poosible to opon many
                                primary schools all over the island at no extra cost to
                                 tho State,
                                G,        The amount spent undor the hoad * Medical * is,
                                 I consider, far too small, I wn told by those who choulctw
                                 be in a position to know that the obst/ctrioal barburitiop

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