Page 177 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 177
Stale finances, 1928-1932 479
uurbaritiao doocribod by Mine Kathcrino .Mayo lnhor well
known work are excoadod by thono to bo mot with ovorywherio
in Bahrain. The apathy of tho Stato. particularly in
mattoro of gynaecology and child wolfare playu into the ...
.hands of tho Amarican Miaaion and there ooemo no reason
why the State oliould depond indefinitely on tho charity of
'............ .*. v •
tile citizens of tho Mid West* I eliould bo glad-to loarn
tho viewo of the Ilon'blc tho Political ftcuidont upon this
9. The State haw done good work ac rogardo publio.
buildlngo Vhiro-yinrr, and will take another step forward
thio year in tho inotallation of elactric light and tho
A. ' ' ' ’*
conotruction of tho Manam-Muharraq Sea road. In ioy opinion.
the State will Boon require the ooryicoa of a whole time
enginoer, profcrably'with electrical and mechanical
qualifications in addition to a knowledge of building. •
The gonoral oituation of tho fta'te financoa io
very oatiofactory and I think Mr. Bclgravc dooorvoo erddit .
for another auccooful ycaro working.
I have the honour to bo,
Your moot obodiont oorvont,
•r > •
Politic^l^Agont, Bahrain.-