Page 174 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 174

476                       Records of Bahrain

                                            Ho. <?S-C of   1929,
                                       Political Agoncy, Bahrain,

                                          Tho' 20th July 1929.
                                                                 BUSHIRE RE9IPENCY.
                                                                D*Jo  uhM-
                              From                                wMiuIimSOEconos.
                                        Captain C. G. Prior, I.A,,
                                               Political Agont, Bahruin,
                                        Tho Secretary to the
                                           Hon'blc the Political Keoidont
                                                  in the Peruion Gulf,
  ;                            Sir,                                                       . (
                                        I have the honour to forward in triplicate the

                               budget of the Bahrain State, togethor with a moot internet-
                      review of the pact years working by Ur, Belgruve,
                               the AdYiuer to the Bahrain Government*
                               2*        There ie much that I Bhould liko to Bay regard­
                               ing this budgot, but in the aboenco of a otenographar, •
                               it will, I fear, be irapoooiblo to do more than draw atteutior
                               to a few pointo, Thie appoaro aluo to have been tho
                               practice in tho pact, and oritioal ourveyo have not1 been,
                               called for.                                       .•*
                               3.        A diequieting feature lo tho fact that tptal
                               revonuo for tho pact year wau’ leoo by oomo 26,000 rupees,.
                                                                                 • V; . '•
                               Thic decrease would have beon groator but for inoreaood

                               vigilance in tho Cuotoma dopartment whicli onablod the
                               omounto ruooYcred from ±)ie paooongero baggago to be
                               inoreaacd from Ro 37,662 to R» 63,990* An; explanation of •  \
                               how thio wao achieved lo given'in tho Hotee :Oiiyr.iiyenUQ/;^
                               oollooted. The colleotiono thio year have bton.vj-
                               -appointing oo far, and there iu littlo doubt :thkt
                               maximum of revenue at tho pro'oent ratoe io boing-' oo 11 Oo'hed •

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