Page 168 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 168
470 Records of Bahrain
Wo . <?86. of 1347
OfCico of tho Advioor to
tho Government, Bahrain.
Datnd, 27th Ghnhbnn 1347
H. D. !i' 3 Political Agent,
I have the honour to draw your attention
to the alarming increase in Civil List and allow
ances which will be apparent at tho end of the
Arabic Year when the Revenuo and expenditure
figures ore submitted .for your inspection. As
Financial Adviser to the State I feel that it
is necessary to point out tho following facts
and ask for your advice and Qsaistnnco in the
Tho revenue of the State now exceods
tho expenditure. During tho last three years
about 4 lacs have boon saved increasing the
State funds which are invested in Bombay to
seven lacs. It is proposed that most of this
money should bo spent on tho electrification
of Manama and a road across the sea to Muharrok
island. For the time being tho financial
position of the State is 30und, but if the
Ci4il List and allowances continue to increase
in tho proportion that they are increasing now
in a few years thoy will absorb tho greater part
of tho rovonuo.