Page 185 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 185

State finances, 1928-1932                 487

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            shaikh  liamed.  I do not think myoclf that it io too much.
            jliikh liamed genuinely relies on me to protect hio own interests
             wen au thoae of the State and in thio connection I must tell
           !  that for the Xaot four or five inont.ho he hao been constantly
            co.nplaining to me that hio allowance io too small*
               Puring laot year hio total income v/aa Rs 8,25,000, of v/hich
            ?j 1.81,000 wan from State fundo, Rs 32,000 from hio ma.rket property
            -nd the rest from garden rents.  He should have recieved Rs 16,000
            :ore from a tenant who unfortunately wont bankrupt.
               His expenditure during the year was Rs 2,38,000, of v/hich
            i25,000 Y/ao distributed as preoent3 to his relations and to
            Arabs from the mainland, following the custom of the tribe who
            ssed to pay the mainland Arabs large amounts every year to enoure
            .ti.eir support in times of trouble.
               Shaikh Hamcd, though a man of simple tastes, is naturally
            hprovident and extravagant. He has really no idea of the value

            )f money. He is surrounded by relations and hangers on v/ho
            incessantly pester him for money. Shaikh Homed, alone, is not
            apab.le of managing his private affairs. In this respect I help
            •It. i„o much as I can, but it. io very difficult to control his
            -MU] oho Id and other expenditure.  It would be almost a whole tim<i-
            :ob. With the income that he has it would be possible for him
              live in far better style, and to save money, if hio private
            :,ney affairs were properly managed.
               The K$alifah family will naturally strongly object to
             ny reduction in the Civil List. In my opinion this is immaterial
            »J long as Shaikh liamed approves. If his ovin salary was
            ‘"creased I think he might approve of a reduction. I suggest
            'lull round reduction of 10#, excepting Shaikh Isa and Shaikh
             ^ed, the latter to reel eve an additional Rs 500 per month.
             l'c reduction would include all .allowances and salaries. This

                 effect a total oaving to the State of about Rs 30,000
             '!r annum.

               Another system would be to cut or reduce certuin salaries.
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