Page 183 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 183

State finances, 1928-1932                485

            gmif idcntlal.
            D.O. No                                July 18th 1029.

          Dear Prior.
                    You will be  from the annua] accounts! and budget w hi eh
           1 am sending sopu  tely that the item Civil List and Allowunccc
           to Ruling Family has increased since the beginning of last year
          by over half a lac.  The increase is due to various young
          Shuikhlings having married, and become due to draw allowances,
              also extra grants of allowances to the Khalids and various
           increases.   Previous years also show a steady increase.
               I think that the position is seriouo and that unless some
          action is taken this increase will continue and in u few ycaro
           the Civil Liot will swallow the whole revenue.
               I have written many letters on the subject and I should like
          you to refer to them. The following correspondence explains the

          position clearly
               Uy D.O. of 17/1/27 and .your reply of same date.
               " letter of 13th Rejab 46.      a ~/r\
                 30/2/B of 10th Mu ha r ram 46.— r> 2U (JJ«
               " 326/29 of 26 Rabia Than! 46 _--------- ........  r (IJ
               " 111/2/B of  12 Safar 46. ----- P  .*1/*  (I)
               Your C/52 of  8/2/29.       n
               "   C/27  of  20/2/29 --------------r 5*4
               By C.1076 of 17th Ramadan 47 •
               " C .906 of 27 Ramadan 47.-------- -"Pzi
               If it is considered that the position is satisfactory,or
           if for political or other reasons it is inexpedient at present
           to raise the question with Shaikh Named I would be glad if you
          would let me know and I will cease from worrying the Political
          *dcnt on the subject, but in that case large i .ncreaocs will
          certainly continue.
               I would point out that I am only pressing the matter
          because as Financial Adviser I consider that it io my duty to
          do 00.  It would be far easier to Just let the matter rest and
          al3-ow the Civil List to increaoe.   If any action is taken a good
          deal of the blame will be put onto me.
               When my first budget was forwarded to The Resident, about
           ^ ycuro aC° 1 recievcd a letter in return with a copy of the
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