Page 195 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 195
State finances, 1928-1932 497
Notes on Budget, for 1344^.
For tho lost four years owing to steadily increasing
rovonue it has been possible euoh year to estimate an in
crease in rooeipto. In my last annual report I wroto that
it was generally thought that tho trade prospects for the
coming year wero not promising. Owing to trouble on the
mainland and the Persian question it was thought that trade
would be adversely effeoted. Unfortunately this predic
tion was true and in addition to these roasona on abnor
mally bad year on the pearl market has resulted in general
trade depression which ie reflected in a sorious falling
off in revenue.
In my opinion end in the opinion of tho mercantile
community in Bahrain tho prospects for the new year are
even worse than those of the past year, Unless thore is
a complete change in tho condition of the pearl market
tho financial position in tho new year will be vory serious.
For these reasons instead of budgeting for an increased
revonue I have reduoed the estimated customs collections
to Bj 8,30,000/- whioh is one loo less than tha ontisated
collection for 1348 and Bj less than the actual
amount oollootod during thut year. It is hoped that the
revenue will exceed this amount but I feel that it would
bo dangerous to oxpeot any more, The Customs oollootions
are tho main revenue of tho State, its other sources of
inoomo oro almost nogligible,
Misoollonsous. Hi 20,000/-. This heading includes
various fees and duties oollootod by the oustoms such as
tobncoo tax, harbour duoo, oto. and also pasoport fees,
tho lost two items did not exist before this year.
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