Page 198 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 198

500                       Records oj Bahrain


                            reaoona slightly inoreaae the ooat of all tho Government
                            doportmento, oaoh year, but against thio may be urged
                            the Advantage of inoreaaed experience and loyalty.
                               Seorotarlat,  This deportment ohowa on inoroaso of
                            Rj oooty-, this io partly accounted for by the provi-
                            oion of leave foros for tho Advisor who beoomos ontitled
                             to loove, with paaeagoo during tho aummor of 1349.
                               Land Department. ourvoyora ore new working in
                             thia deportment no well oo tho ordinary offioo staff.
                             Tho work is otoodily inoreooing and will inoreooe still
                             more when regisfcratione ore mode oompulaory.   It is pp
                             possible that in the ooming year the collection of fees
                             will oover the expenaea of the deportment.
                                Judioiol and Wakfa. Thia amount waa over estimated
                             in the laat budget owing to oome uncertainty oe to the
                             oost of the newly established ohia Wokf department.
                                Passport department. Thia deportment waa started
                             at the ond of 1348 end ia now under tho oontrol of
                             the Polios, not, aa formerly, a part of the customs.
                             Tho roooipta will easily oovor the coot of tho Deport­
                             ment, staff and printing.
                                Public Education. The State provides free education.
                             It has boon suggoatod that fooa should be charged but
                             undoubtedly tho greater proportion of tho parento are
                              too poor to pay und to discriminate botwoon their fin­
                              ancial condition would bo almost impoaoiblo.
                                Tho amount thio year hoo boon rodeoed from Hs 90,000/-
                              to Its 60,000/-.   Various ooonomieo ore to be affeotod
                              by u ie change in the rates of the masters' pay and no
                              now aohoolo will be opened during the yoor. A detailed
                              report on Education is onoloaed.
                                 Municipalities. Tho monthly subsidy to Monamah Muni-
                              oipolity has boon reduood from h 2000/- per month to
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