Page 202 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 202
504 Records of Bahrain
The collections of duties on shipo* cargo etc. shows a falling
off of Rs. 1,64,561/- ao oomparod to luot year's figureo.
Tho Iona of over n loo und a hnlfAio a very soriou3 mot tor
v.hon toe v/holo estimated revenue of tho Stute, from oil oourooa, for
1D40 vi:c .bout 101 lees.
The following comporison shows uudor vai'iouo lioudinga where
the docroaac ocurrod-
1347. . < 1348.
1. Steamers cargo iis. 6,25,786/- Rb. 4,80,674/-
2. Native Craft ” l.oo,oal/- " 1,11,011/-
3. Parcel Duty 25,362/- " 19,520/-
4. Poosengers Baggnge M 53,990/- " 39,047/-
5. Export Duty " 2,070/- " 3,605/-
6. Transhipment Duty M 78,066/- " 67,097/-
•7. Cuotomo Uiscellaneoua 5,145/- " 10,024/-
0. 1. Yard Colleotiona " 1,68,127/- " 1,55,106/-
I'.e.10,b5,445/- 8,94,084/'-
The following is a oompnrison of othor revenue collected
by the Customs Department-
1348. 1347.
•Vehiole Licensos Eu. 6,744/- Kb. 6,16l/-
Pearling Licenses ,! 61,235/- * 67,025/-
Craft F.ogi3 tart ion n 3,711/- " 3,0ft/-
Siocellonooua " 25,467/- " 10,913/-
Out/^he total doorcase of Rn. 1,64,561/- the sum of Rs,1,3^112/-
io from Steamers’ oorgo. It cun be assumed that about R3. 50000/-
of'.this deoreooe ie caused by the lelay in tho arrival of a direct
ripe boot from Calcutta which would usually roach Bahrain before
the end of the yeor.
There hoo been a deoreooo of about Rs. 30000/- in Customs Duty
(Qn! silk and cotton pieoe goods partly owing to the depreciation of
obCjut 25jC in the wholcoule price of these goods, and also owing
to diminished import for whioh the disturbances on the mainland
.partly responsible.