Page 197 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 197
State finances, 1928-1932 499
oxtrooely bod year it io not proposed that any of this a
amount shall bo oxpended so the presont budget shove
nothing exoopt the aotuol rovfcnue and loans recoverable.
Tho amount on deposit in Bombay is shown on tho balance
sheet of the State,
Reourrent expenditure.
Allowances to Ruling family, The Civil list and
allowance have now been definitely limited to not more
than five laos. Actually the presont payments amount
to ubout two thousand rupoos under tho fivo lacs.
Tutor. The tutor to tho Shaikh's sons is shown
separately as his services do not fall under the genoral -
heading of labile Education. His 003t is considerably
Ay /v«***V
inoreaBod an provision has to be made for passages,
leave and pension contributions according to Government
of India rules which ore more generous than those applied
to othor officials employod by the Government of Bahrain.
Protection. Although the numbor of the Indian Polio#
has been considerably roduoed, there were originally
110 and thoro are now 83, their ooet is only slightly
Icon then it was last year, This is beoause s largo
proportion of thorn are now due for leave and allowanoesr
havo to^modo for tho cost of their passages,
It is not
possible to roduoe tho number of nature in Manamah and
Muharrnk but it is expected that some reduction can bo
mado among the nature in the outside villages.
Covoramont Deportments.
Customs, Thin department shows an^inorease of
Rs 6**o over last yeor. This aooountod for partly
by tho rogular inoromonts to tho stuff, the Ibrovidont
fund, and an additional numbor of house allowances which
arc paid to clerks enlisted from abroad who are poroitted
to have their families in Bahrain. The first two reasons