Page 196 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 196
498 Records oj Bahrain
Judicial Receipts. Bi 20,000/-, This inoludoo all foes
oolleotod, the Land Department on registration and oaloo
of property. Theno registrations are to bo made oom-
puloory in the new year and oomo changes aro aleo being
modo in the oolleotion of oourt fees whioh should rooult
in an increased rovonue from both these sources.
Rents from Govornment Land. This includes Rs 10,000/-
whioh is paid by tho Kastorn General Sjmdioato os rent
on tho oil concession, also £ 120/- por annum being ront
of aerodrome and leaoos of Government ground whioh weo
formorly occupied freely by squatters, Tho last item
is a steady and inareafling revenue whioh has only commen
ced this year.
Electricity. The receipts from eleotriool supply are
Bomewhat problematical and depend partly on the weather,
but aooording to the procent load the oosto of the staff
and of running the onginos should be oovered by the pay-
ments mado by the consumers, whioh inolude the payments
made by Govornment departments and by the Municipality
for street lighting,
l.rwnn ■rwn pyrrcbls. This large duu guuoiots of money lent
to members of the Ruling Family and others for the period
of the Diving season, Tho omount would hove been oonsi-
derobly larger but owing to ohortneoc of funds U. K. Shaikh
ogreed definitely to refuse all further applications for
loans, Tho money is lont without interest and in sene
oases with no seourity oxoept e personal guarantee.
In previous budgoto the money whioh is on deposit
and current aooount in Bomboy has been shown in the annual
budget and has boon allocated on the expenditure sido to
oomo particular objeots. In the 1349 budget this has not
been dono. As thore is evory prospect of on extremely