Page 205 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 205
State finances, 1928-1932 507
Notes On fixuendituro.
• • /
1343. 3e. 13,44,3/14/-
1347. " 11,82,214/-
Tho lnrgo incrooac in expenditure during 1348 oyer
1347 is neinly oocountod for by tho paymcut. of the ttleotrio
Contract of which the groutor proportion wig paid during tho
SilkUd&t± 1347. lois.
:',g. !'.,c<4ai/- iia. 5,08434/-
Tb© i;«cr'fix over l»al' in owing to certain salaries
o-cctioncd totrerdo tho end of 1347 which Yrcro ;r»cid for <• full
year in 1348. Tho total payment for 1343 ban boon reduced to
no. 5U)000/-.
This amount docs not includo salaries for dutieo on
court, committeas cto. whioh/ftere debitor] under tho various
1347. . 1345.
State Protection. ha. 1,82,702/- Ho. 1,66,306/-
Thia itey appears unproportional/ high no 13 months
hnvo beon inoludod in tho your 1348, the accounts of the loBt;’*^*'
•* _ • ’h
of 1347 were, not received in tine for inoortion in 1347. Addit-
• '• -v'.
ior.i.l amounts inoludo Jin. 8,500/- paid an ror/urdo. There has^jAj
•!- VV'i.Jl
been a moving of !.s. 15CCC'/- during tho yci.r on the Indian Polio®
ao t result of reductions in the* force.
1347. . 1348. .
ihil 2£a Jkhi’xkvsjaJt • Pa. 60,076/- Ha. 60,088/- r :•
Under this hcadir.;: is include : the newly formed . '-' .v
iV«ooport Dej.i.rtmcnt, which io i.otuully self supporting and will
be ohov/n oepr.rr.tely in future. The usual incrcnento, Provident ’*’
fund and. (•n iucJvuwH. iv. the members of merried olarho hue ooooua.ted
for u n-irhlly h?;g!ioi\ expenditure. • •**
1348. .
s&sammi t. f». 28,350/- Fr.. 86,005/-
• Tho inirci-e© over lust year in ouuoed by usual.inoreati
— * • • •
und Provident .fund}. Leave pay for tho cuohior for 6 months,: jxiid
ia udvunoe, ie..iip])uded in this umount;