Page 212 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 212
514 Records of Bahrain
than the Qotual rooeipto of 1348. Unfortunatoly the
deoreaoa in 1349 exceeded ay eotimation by Ha 2,33,000/-.
The reason for thio aorious falling off in revonue
1b not a loool one but has boon oauoed by tho offeote
of the present world wide trade deproonion which parti
cularly affeote u luxury trade such ns tho peorl industry
on which depends not only the prosperity but almost the
very existence of Bahrain.
1 feel confident that when trade conditions improve in
Europe and Ameriao there will be o similar improvement
in Bahrain but until this ooours the revenue of the Bahrain
State will dooreaso. Tho oatimotod expenditure in the new
budget has been confined to the narrowest limits consistent
with oerrying out the bare udraini strut ion of the State but
in order to obtain the revenue for doing this it has boon
neoeBBory to inoroase the Khanohia duty by an amount which
is estimated us being likely to produce one lao of rupees
as a temporary emergency measure, This matter is fully
explained in the notes on the new Budget for 1350.
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient servant,
Financial /dvisor to
Bahrain Government.