Page 49 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 49

Regional relations, 1926-1931              351

     CONFIDENTIAL.            ' if s'
                              No      C of 1930.
                           Political Agency, Bahrain.
                              The 26th October 1930.   ,— -ncY-1

                                                fl*; •
             From                                    7
                                                 Dfii'     TioonoTl
                       Captain C.G. Prior, I.A., T OOhiiu^:
                           Political Agent, Bahrain.
                       The Honfble the Political Resident
                              in the Persian Gulf,
                       I have the honour to bring to your notice instanc
              es of the continued aggression of the King of the Hedjaz ana
             his agents the Qusaibis, an aggression, if not checked, will
             have a serious effect on our position in Bahrain.
                     2. It will be remembered that during the summer Bi
             Jaluwi, the Amir of Hasa had written to Shaikh Hamad ( and ‘
              to m? ) in a somewhat peremptory fashion demanding the
             surrend r of certain persons^he considureu to be of (Jejd
             nationality and he also sent men tj fetc& them , an act whicA.
             was much resented by the Ruling family. Actually the Shaikh
             refused to admit that they were other than th* Bahrain sub­
              jects, in fact they were Dowasir who have libed here for
             many years though not without trading connections on the
             mainland, and the men were not returned. I took advantage of
              the opportunity to/ point out t® Bin Jiluwi ;that Bin .Saud had.\.
             himself requested that the practice of surren&ring persons..;..:^;.'
              should cease, and that it was at^||£§§t

             asking mainland Amirs to send men''jtV:Bahrain«'■
                     3* Vlhile'I was in Karachi a theft ;c>qcur!fed
              dhow in Bahrain  Harbour and both 'the'accused -'^iid..
              were Hasawis. Apparently considering, a conyi,ction;;^^l^|^|
              the Nakhuda.went to^ea
              “77'                                                   m
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