Page 50 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 50
352 Records of Bahrain
referred to me and I gave instructions that the men were-Jotfj'v'V
no account to be sent to Ilasa but but that they were dealt (
with according to law at Bahrain.
4. On my return here I find that when a promi
nent merchant, Mohammad Yateem, rocently ran over a Nejdi •
in his car he was at once summoned by the Qusaibis who severe
•••>». •
ly reprimanded him for having injured a subject of H.M.
King Ibn Sand. He was later prosocuted by the Polico, but
their action caused much comment.
5. Again a few days before I arrived, as a
I result of a squabble at a well, some servants of the ■ v
Qusaibis at Rafa;a armed with rifles assaulted a servant of
Shaikh Hashid, the son of the Ruler’s brother Shaikh Muhammad,
and tying him up with a rope, took him to the Qusaibis1 house
and confined him there. The Rifaa Arabs took this as an insult
to the Al Khalifa and a riot nearly ensued, but the Imam of
mosque managed to calm them, and when Abdul Aziz Qusaibi came,
to the house at night the man was released. !
6. As a result of fche, pressure by Shaikh
Muhammad, Shaikh Hamad ordered, the heir-apparent to go and- '
, !
tell the Qusaibis that they must apologise and he conveyed a
message to this effect to Hassan Qusaibi. No notice, how.eyer.
was taken of this, and finally Shaikh Rashid and Shaikh
Muhammad had the Police set in motion and a. oase registered.
. ’ ; ’l J.1 ^ \ ’ .
The case was brought up before me;but at the last Moment.,:;...-:
' Shaikh Rashid came and said that the Qusaibis had be^ .S$e
the Ruler, and that he had asked Shaikh Muhammad to gej^-Ms* •
son to stop the case proceeding. He himself, he se£d,;^||d^
not on any account have allowed them to escape. •acbt^^kM '
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Ruler. I therefore allowed the case to be domp
the matter was settled.