Page 278 - Neglected Arabia 1902-1905
P. 278
tlays ai;o two men were hn'Ui;lu in a boat trom the village ot
/.illa^, fit teen mik-s a\v;iv. I'licy had been slu>t with «)nc bullet.
11 c*ntercel one man's ri^lit siilc, coming out at liis K-tt. and j^oir^
through the soo^nd ni;iu*s a rm into his iibilomcu. *riio first man
dial s!i<frtly after reach ini; tho hospital, but the otlicr one is living,
and appears to be doing' well, altlioui^h the bullet has not boon
In "the Arabian Circle" heel is a man from lictlci'a. who was
>UiIjhcd while fisliin;^ at nii;lu. He was drawing in his net. the
lido bcin^ far out. when his enemy came and stabbed him, in order
to take his fish from him. He was wounded in the back,
ami ;il)domcn. and from the wound in the abdomen lumg. ;i large
piece of what sccir.cil to be peritoneum. W e cannot toll vet what
the outcome will be. hut so far his ease louUs favorable.
In the "Lansing“ hctl is a man who was broui^ln from l lassa.
a town three days* journey inland from here. I'his man liad been
sick twelve d«*\ys with dysentery, and was in a very weak o^iuli-
ti(川 when lie rcncliod the hospital. Ho is clning^ well, hut is still
seriously ill. Our colportor. Amecn, is in the **\*an Santvoonl”
bed. I [c has been almost at death's door with what we think to
have boon some form of meningitis. We worc fortunate in sccur-
in^ the services of a doctor from H. M. S. Law rence, a gunboat
wliicli stoppcil here for a few hours, and we continued the treat
ment lie prcscril)0(l. \\*o feel very grateful that our prayers for
Amccn's recovery were answered. He is what his name in Arabic
means—faithful一and we would gladly keep him a while longer.
With tlic rcsponsi!)ilitv ot such serious eases these resting
on the missiiinaries at Bahrein, you certainly cannot woiulcr that
we appeal for a doctor. It was a keen disappointment to 11s to
hear that the one we expected was not coming, aiul we are anx-
iously awaiting the news that another has been sent.
Bahrein, November ir, 1903.