Page 292 - Neglected Arabia 1902-1905
P. 292
visiting …、vus upon the 5ca-coa>t north an«l south from here, and
^cUini; inlainl m'T the mountains aucl places where never
before am one has been with Clod's P.ook. "fhoy have sold Scrip-
t tiros some sixty-five ditTcrcnt towns, besides witnessing for
Christ in oilier places where their books wore nut welcomed. One
lumdrod aiul ton days and one lunulrcd and cii^ht niglits were
spent in strange homes and out uiulcr the open sky.
They have su lie rod hardships and imprisonment, and braved
dangers many for the cause of Christ. In two clitlorcnt places
the Shcik'hs forbade them to sell any books, and special lie raids
proclaiir.ed tlic commaiul in the bazaars. At another place no one
was willing to give thorn a shelter for the ni<lit. and they were
compelled to sleep outside the town aiul in a pouring' rain. In
tlie mountains one of the Sheikhs supplied them with lodging-,
but placed a guard at the door, and they were not allowed to leave
the house. Xor wore they permitted to proceed upon their jour
ney or to return homeward unless they paid the present which
liis highness dcinandcd. W'hen this man learned that they really
liad nothing to give him, the order was given to release them;
but at the doors such an a mu. of slaves and servants met them.
dcmanclin^ ..backhsheesli,” that they wore again compelled to rc-
treat, for to ^ivc that crowd money meant that there would be
nothing- left to home with.
At another time tliey were surroiuulcd in the way by a party
of robbers, mul it was **nonc ether than God’’ who delivered them
out of the liands of these wicked men. Soon after leaving Muscat
upon tlieir last trip, they barely missed being massacred by a
band of fanatics. Tidings reached them that this band had pre
ceded them and was waiting to fall upon them in the wav. For
several days they feared they might encounter it and be mur-
clcred. It was upon their return here that they learned the truth
ot this report. A band of men had actually gone out with the
intention of murdering the party, but they missed each other in
P traveling different roads. Tlie murderers, upon learning their
mistake, had gone on and spent tlieir wrath upon a small settle
ment, killing- two of the inhabitants. Surely God has wonder
fully spared our men this year.