Page 296 - Neglected Arabia 1902-1905
P. 296


                                                 MK.S. II. K. r.. \VOKR.\r.I

                                                PcrsoiKiUy I have only assisted Dr. W'orrall
                                               in operations and treated tlic women a tew
                                               times, when there were objections to a male
                                                  There have been a i^ood many pay  cases
                                               lately, aiul L)r. W'orrall is quite happy when
                                               ho can in this way help on the support of tlie
                                               work. Last, vear.   for example, about tliree-
                            tit'ths «>t the cost ot* «lruv^5 was paid from IUisrali medical tees, and
                            the rcojrtl will ho better this year. All die poor  are  treated tree.
                            Nut we try to have all pay wlio are able to do so.
                                 Xot lonij: ago a bn), about hftocn years ot age came to the
                            dispensary. Ho had boon working as a day laborer on one of the
                            shij)> in the harbor when his little finder caught in the madiinery
                            ami was almost torn otY. a bone of the hand was broken and there
                            \va>  much laceration. The finger had to be removed and a good
                            many stitches taken: it 1ms healed up nicely by first intention,
                            altln tiic liaiul  was  covered with black grease when he came
                            and it soomcil as  if it would be impossible to clean the wound
                            tln^roughlv. It was through this ease that Dr. W'orrall was called
                            to treat the Sheikh  over  the river. The bov came from that
                                 Rocentlv the little niece of the Governor sent tor the doctor.
                            She had had several doctors, but she said that the night before
                            she had cl reamed of Dr. Worrall and ho must come.
                                 There have been several operations for stone lately. All
                            have done well. A number of patients have come having- necrosis
                            of tlic jaw-bone from bad work of native dentists. Many eye

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