Page 159 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 159

POLITICAL RESIDENCY FOR 1900-1907.             66
              A comparison of the items of news furnished by the line-guards with the
          itineraries of the smuggling caravans clearly showB that the information supplied
          by telephone stations, nl though good and reliable,, was received much too late.
          It must be remembered that Jagin telephone is situated 14 miles from the beach,
          the country for miles around the mouth of the Jagin River being marshy and inter­
          sected by water, courses, and the line-guard who is single-handed, had to travel
          over  miles of bad ground to gather information which was reported to Jask by tele­
          phone only on his return. It must also be remembered that the Afghans themselves
          have very little idea of the exact position at which the arms will be landed, and that
          they employ scouts along the coast who report at once to the main body when their
          boat is sighted.
              The traffic is undoubtedly increasing, and, judging by the freedom with which
           the Afghans are empowered to expend money on boat hire, camels and bribery,
           the undertaking is evidently being cleverly organised by some prominent person
           or society. The Afghans pay a liberal fee to local chiefs in lieu of Customs duty.
                                           No reports have been furnished pointing
                     Slave Traffic.
                                         to the continuance of any traffic in slaves
                                         from the ports of Gaih.
              The seasonal rainfall was late but satisfactory, and the crops of dates, rice,
                                          barley, jowari and cotton should do well.
                     Product* of Gaih.    The export of sheep to the Arab Coast
                                          is increasing.

                                    DASHT1ARI DISTRICT.
              The brothers Mir Abdi Khan and Mir Mahmud Khan were with difficulty
                                          persuaded to attend the meeting held at
                                          Charbar in July. Mir Abdi Khan has for
           some vears been at enmity with Sardsr Syed Khan of Gaih, but a reconciliation
           has lately been arranged and they are now the best of friends. Both the brothers
           were in attendance on Syed Khan during the whole of his tour through the            11;
           Dashtiari and Baho Districts.
               The district is in a comparatively flourishing condition, and no disturbances
           of any kind have occurred during the year.
                                          The rainfall has been good, and the barley,
                   Product* of Dubiigri.
                                          dhall and cotton crops will be plentiful.
                                      BAHO DISTRICT.
               The Baho District has been in a state of disorder almost throughout the year.   !
                                          On the 9th November, a nephew of
                                          Mir Ashraf Khan, named Kadirbux, was
           murdered by Jalal Khan, brother of Mir Ahmed Khan. There has been a blood
           feud between the families for some years past, but it is 6aid Alimed Khan was the
           instigator of this particular crime.
               Early in November Sardar Syed Khan of Gaih, and the representative of the
           Governor of Barapur arrived at the town of Dashtiari, from where they opened
           negociations with the Chiefs of Baho for payment of the annual tax. Mir Ashraf
           Khan declined to collect the full amount demanded by Syed Khan, on the ground
           that Syed Khan had previonsly agreed to reduce the tax from 1,200 “ Sonars ”
           (Rs. 6,000) to 800 “ Sonars ” (Rs. 4,000) on account of the acknowledged poor
            condition of the district.
               Ahmed Khan, who was only waiting for a favourable opportunity to depcae
            Ashraf Khan, volunteered to collect the hdl annual tax, and an additional sum of
            1,000 “Sonars” (Rs. 0,000) as blood money for the murder of Kadirbux. Syed Khan
            ard the Governor’s representative readily accepted the offer, and on about the 13th
            November Ahmed Khan was appointed Chief of Baho.
               It was arranged that Ahmed Khan, while raiding, would be accompanied by
            Mahmud Khan, brother of Syed Khan, probably because he could not be trusted
            and he was moreover supplied with a personal bodyguard of ten mounted Persian
            soldiers. He was given a perfectly free hand, the only restriction being
            British Indian subjects were not to be molested. Ahmed Khan commenced hk
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