Page 161 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
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POLITICAL REBIDENCY FOR 1906-1907.             57

                    POLITICAL AGENCY FOR THE YEAR 1906-1907.

                                    L—OMAN POLITICS.

              The official year of 1908-1907 would have been a comparatively uneventful
          one for Oman as regards internal complications had it not been for a serious cala­
          mity which overtook HiB Highness the Sultan towards its close, and deprived
          him* of his strongest and most influential supporter. Before describing this dis­
          aster and the circumstances connected therewith, the earlier events of the year
          may be briefly discussed.
              At the time of writing last year’s report, the troops raised by the Sultan’s
                                         General Sulaiman bin Suwailim for the
                 Revolt of the Bani Riyam.
                                         purpose of quelling the revolt of the Bani
           Rivam were in occupation of the fort of Ziki, hoping and waiting for the arrival
           of re-enforcements which would render them strone enough to capture the village
           of Birkat-ul-M3uz. These hopes were not realised, but, late in May, Suiaiman,
           aided by treachery on the part of some of his enemies, managed to oust the Bani
           Riyam from the hamlet of Bait-us-Salit near Zild to which is attached an extensive
           date plantation, and to occupy it himself without an engagement. This success
           satisfied the aspirations of Ilis Highness for the time being, and the operations
           thereupon terminated. Upon the arrival of the news in Maskat His Highness
           released his prisoners, dressed his flagstaffs. and fired a salute of 21 guns in honour
           of his victorious General. On June 20th Sulaiman, having made the final arrange­
           ments for peace which included the stationing of 30 ’Askaris as garrison in Bait-
           us-Salit, arrived at Maskat, and was further complimented by a personal salute of
           13 guns.
               As a result of this rising desultory warfare, comprising a few minor raids
           and occasional murders, was carried on between the Bani Riyam and the Bani
           Ruwahah until the end of the official year.
               In June an attempt was made by 40 men  of the Ya’aribah tribe, acting
                                          ostensibly on behalf of the Sultan, to capture
             Attempted capture of tbe fort of Hazam.
                                          the fort of Hazam from Saiyid Said bin
           Ibrahim. His Highness’s brother-in-law, in whose possession it had remained quietly
           for some years. This party, having bribed one of the door-keepers, obtained an
           entrance through the outer gate, but before they could push on the defenders suc­
           ceeded in closing the inner defences and they were repulsed with a loss of five killed.
           Said bin Ibrahim, who at this time was on a visit to the Batinah Coast, executed
           the offending door-keeper on his return ; and also put to death four men of the
           Ya’aribah tribe who were in residence at Rustaq and upon whom suspicion fell of
           having been implicated in the attack. Two months later the Ya’aribah raided
           Hazam in revenge for these executions, burning a few huts and Wiling one in-
           offensive villager; and it was rumoured subsequently that Said bin Ibrahim in­
           tended to plunder the Batinah Coast with the excuse of tracing the perpetrators
           of this outrage. Nothing further took place however, partly owing to Said’s atten­
           tion having been claimed by other matters.
               Early in the year the Shu’aibiyin (   ), a Hinavi tribe inhabiting
             Rendition of tho fort of Kalhatto H. H. the Kalhat, a port SOme 12 miby QOrth-
            Uta^                          west of Sur, owing to trouble with the
           Bani Jabir of Taiwi, another port 8 miles to the north-west, built & fort far the
           protection of their village. Shaikh Abdullah bin Salim, the Tamimah of the
           Bani Bu Ali, objected to this on account of the existing alliance between the
           ohu’aibiyin and his enemies the Bani Bu Hasan, and the Sultan at his request
           ordered the fort to be destroyed. Further disputes however caused it to he rebuilt,
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