Page 232 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 232

                                                                 GULF POLITICAL RESIDENCY
                       2453MS .LfSSS                                                      CSC
                           The stuff lms been . educed to tlio lowest possible limit since U.o commence
                       ment of the calendar year, but Mr. Reynolds, whose agreement expired in
                       month1/' ll,ducc<* t0 rcncw llis engagement for a further period of six

                           Tho Syndicate’s work lias throughout been heavily handicapped bv the
                       continual thefts and occasional display of hostility by the people of tho
                       locality, a state of things which is entirely attributable to the failure of tho
                       Khans to make those arrangements for the protection of the Company’s
                       interests which were necessary and which they were bound by tho terms of
                       their agreement to make.
                           Tho provision of supplies, firewood, etc., has also been a matter of great
                       difficulty, and in February and March the Syndicate was threatened by tho
                       total failure of its natcr supply, at all times insufficient and distant.
                           7K One British Indian subject visited Ahwaz for a short time in autumn
                       in connection with the wheat trade.
                           75. Karun Irrigation Scheme.—No local developments occurred in tho
                       Karun Irrigation Scheme, and the question has dropped from public atten­
                       tion. Major Morton, lt.E., concluded his researches in connection with it and
                       was recalled to India in August.
                           7G. Tho presence of two British officers with the Indian Oil Guards and
                       the fact that one of them, Lieutenant Wilson, bad a taste for, and experience
                      in, military surveying gave an opportunity for improving the existing maps.
                           Duriug spring he was able to cover tho ground lying between Ahwaz,
                      Ramuz, Baiun, Malamir and Sliusliter, and to produce a very satisfactory
                      prismatic compass survey of the tract. He has further collected very
                      complete information from a military point of view regarding that district.
                      His work will be submitted to tho Intelligence Branch when completed.

                                        Foreign enterprise and activities.

                          77.  Russia.—The Russian Government was represented throughout tho
                      year by the Dutch merchant, M. P. ter Meulen. There were no signs of
                      commercial or political activity.
                          A nativo agent of tho firm represented by tho name Telesky visited
                      Bizful and Shushter in the beginning of 1908. He collected a considerable
                      amount, some 5,000 Tumans, of outstanding claims of the Company at tho
                      former place, and it is also said that ho was similarly successful at the latter.
                          78.  Germany.—Tho vigorous interest which Germany has begun
                      to display in the Persian Gulf, and in Persia in general, did not make itself
                      frit in these provinces outside the town of Mubammerah.
                          There they do not seem to have attempted any political activity, but
                      they leased a part of the river bank for use as a wharf at the extravagant price
                      of 10,000 JKrans per annum. This was leased from the Sheikh and the terms
                      bear the stamp of the mediation of Haji Rais.
                          Haii Rais is also understood to have bought barley on   behalf of tho
                      Germans, and he holds the agency for their newly established lino of steamers
                      (The Hamburg-Amerika).
                          79.  Ter Meulcn Gratama 8f Co.—This Butch firm have been pursuing
                      their business in an unostentatious manner. They took no par tin the wtiea
                      trade, probably owing to lack of sufficient capital. M. ter Mealcns former
                      assistant Van Burren, dissatisfied with his position and prospects, left m the
                      month of August.                                     #            ..
                      paris ssisn.jsa. Tuiz %»*
                      Cothers which used to be frequent, and which M. ter Meulcn aluaya turned to
                      His Britannic Majesty’s Vice-Consul to adjust, when ho had began to rep a
                      of them, have passed from the order of the day.
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