Page 235 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
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                                    CHAPTER III.
                               FOR THE YEAR 1907-1908.

              The name of the district is variously given as Kerman shah and Kerman- Geographical,
          shah an, t ho latter being more correct whether for the town or for the
              The limits of the Kcrmanshah Consulate comprise the Governments of
           Kermanshahan, Kurdistan with Gerus, Hamadnn and Malayer. The latter will
           be found marked on few maps; but its position w ill he sufficiently indicated by
           the position of its capital Douletabad ; it also includes the minor Governorship
           of Nehavend and Toisirkan. Jn the Administration Report of the Vice-Consul
           of Arabistan for 1905-1906 it will he noted that Huleilan is stated as being
           in Luristan. Tim is a misconception which has arisen through that tract
           being administered by the Wali of Pusht-i-Kuh, its present possessor by
           purchase. Huleilan is situated about 28 miles from the town of Kermanshahan,
           within which district it lies, its boundary line with Luristan being shown by
           the course of the river Karkhah, known there as the Saimarreh or Sadmorreli;
           only a few acres with an Imamzadeh being on the further side of the river.
           The revenues of this tract of land are paid by the Wali of Pusht-i-Kuh to the
           Governor of Kermanshab. Another point in the Administration Report of the
           6ame year needB revision : the northern limits of Kurdistan extend only a9 far
           as a point beyond Serdasht, taking from thence a north-east by east direction
           fo as to include the town and Deputy-Governorship ofSakkiz. The country
           beyond lies wi'hin the Deputy-Governorship of Mukri and Souj Bulak,
           having connection with Azarbaijan. Boundary lines between the various
           districts are non-existent, at any rate in this part of the world. 1 attach a
           sketch map of the Kermanshah Consulate District which, I hope, is fairly
           accurate. Except for the districts of Kermanshaban and Malayer the
           boundaries must be taken as approximate. The course of the Hamadan-
           Kazwin road will be reported later.
              Tho previous year had ended in storm over the elections for the local PolitlcaL
           assembly : the storm has continued throughout the year under report with the
           result that Governors have changed with remarkable rapidity, the W'ant of
           settled power at Tehran being reflected in Kermanshahan.

                                List of Governors for the year.
                 Shabzadeh Saif-ed-Douleh           . 2nd April to '6th June.
                 Mubae6ir-es*Sultaneh pending arrival of above . 21st March to 2nd April.
                 Zahir-ed-Douleh .                  . 27th June to 9th October.
                 Karguzar acting Governor ,         . fith October to 15th November.
                 Zahir-ed-Douleh ,                  •  15th November to 13th December.
                 No Governor or Deputy-Governor     . 16th December to 11th January.
                 Azam-ed-Douleh .                   . till end of year.
               A few days before the end of the previous year Amir Afkbam, the
           Governor, unable to cope with tho situation, had been dismissed or had
           resigned, and for fear of reprisals from the people had fled in the night two
           days before the date of his appointed departure. 1 was not so impressed w ith
           Amir Afkham as a Governor during the period of his residence as I have been
           since he left; of all our experiments in the way of rulers he was the solo  one
           who showed nny power of meeting the difficulties or understanding the trend
           of affairs and had the Commissioners from Tehran been sent to deeide on the
           legality of the elections at tho time he demanded much of what happened
           subsequently might have been avoided. Tho new Governor Saif-ed-Douleh
           arrived on the 2nd of April: disturbances ceased temporarily in order that it
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