Page 248 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 248

04 administration report of the   PERSIAN GULF POLITICAL


                          It remains to he soon whether a part of our increase on this route will be
                      accounted for by a decrease on the Bushiro route.         '
                          The Kormanaliah road is gaining daily in favour with merchants as hein-
                      the safest route into Persia from the South. I trust that the present remvt-
                      tablo disturbances will do no permanent barm, there is little doubt thnt—<3ron
                      any Government at all at Tehran to appoint a Governor to Koriuanshali- thev
                      arc purely temporary.                                              J
         ^ .              1 liaye mentioned the constant changes of Governors under the heading
         offlcmi changes. “ Political Events.*’                                          °
                          Persian.—Sherif-ul-Mulk was Karguzar throughout the rear : he is un­
                      satisfactory and no bribe is too small for him. The three Consuls have made a
                      joint complaint against him. Personally he is a pleasant man.
                          Russian.—Monsieur Potrofi: was Acting Consul at the beginning of the
                      year until the return of Monsieur Nicolsky, in July, when lie went to Tehrau
                      and finally to Kerman.
                          Turkish.—Kerim Bog was Consul-General but went on leave just before
                      the commencement of the year and did not intend to return if l:o could avoid
                     it. Dc is however an exile and was not allowed to remain in Constantinople.
                     He returned to Kcrmanshah at the end of May. Ho procec led to Baghdad on
                     sick leave (?) quite suddenly on the 8th January returning to Kermaushah in
                     the middle of March.
                          Ahmed Bog was Consul throughout the year.
                         The Turkish Doctor having died of typhus on the 24th March he was
                     replaced by Dr. Paraskcvopolous, a Greek, on the 25th July.
                          Customs.—Monsieur Hcynssens was Director of Customs throughout the
                     year.' Monsieur Dovillo was Inspector at the commencement of the year, but
                     was transferred to the Persian Gulf in May. He returned again to take over
                     from Monsieur Ilcynssous in the autumn ; the latter however remained on and
                     Monsieur Devillc was appointed Inspector-General of Posts, leaving Kasr-i-
                     Shirin in February on a tour of inspection in the Persian Gulf. He was
                     relieved by Monsieur Cattcrsell, who was again relieved by Monsieur Cesari in
                     March. Monsieur Cattersell is now officiating as Director of Customs.
                         Imperial Bank of Persia.—Mr. Mcsscrvy, Inspector of Hie Bank,  was
                     examining Bank affairs from the commencement of the year till he was
                     invalided. Ho l*fo in the middle of November. Mr. W. H. Milligan was
                     manager of the Bank till he proceeded home on sick leave on the 11th
                     September. Mr. P. Arkless was accountant of the Bank till transferred to
                     Tabriz leaving the same day as Mr. Milligan. Mr. E. B. Soane was appointed
                     manager and arrived on the 9th September: ho has since been invalided and
                     will probably be transferred at the end of the summer.
                         Mr. VV. Porbes-Manson was appointed accountant and arrived with
                     Mr. Soane.
                         British,—Captain L. B. Haworth, I.A.,  was  His Britannic Majesty’s
                                                                                   ^ _
                     Consul throughout the year : Captain Howard Crosslc was Consular Surgeon.
                         In the third week in May two of Monsieur Morgan’s Mission, the chief
        European     being a Monsieur Makenncm arrived at Kermanshab ihoy rotumedto t^
                     south in the late autumn via Pusht-i-lvuli. Dr. Grothe, a         JJe
                     Frankfurt arrived from Baghdad at the end of July via P

                     Sn dyes. Monsieur I’ujan is making an extensive tour and is well supplied
                     with money. He is looking for agents for Gci man firms.
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