Page 251 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
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                                    CHAPTER IV.
                              EOR THE YEAR 1907-1908.
               The personnel of the British Consulate was unchanged during the year.  British Con­
               The Russian Consulate was strengthened in October 1907 by the arrival  Russian Con­
           of Mr. Pctroff as Secretary to tbo Consul. Before his arrival he was frequently
           referred to as the coming Vice-Consul but on arrival was introduced in his
           proper capacity of Secretary, the first grade of their Consular service.
               The experiment of leaving a hoy of nineteen to govern the Kerman Local politics,
           district with practically nothing behind him resulted as was only to be
           expected. He exorcised a nominal rule in Kerman itself for some months,
           while in the districts his rule was not even nominal, the districts after the
           departure of thePerman Perma going steadily to pieces.
               In Kerman itself one Mohamad Husain, the Nazim-ut-Tujjar, with a
           Naib of Fnrrashes named Haji Ibrahim started a popular propaganda with an
           agitation for the immediate election of the local Majlis. When they first
           started the agitation the Tehran Parliament had not passed the necessary Acts,
           and when the Acts were passed they did not meet with the approval of the
           Nazim and the Naib. Their following being almost entirely composed of the
           riff-raff of the town and the artisans, they objected to the other fivo classes
           having the same number of representatives each on the Majlis, and olaimed
           that as the labouring classes formed half of the population of the town they
           should elect six members out of the twelve and the other five classes the
           remaining six between them. Relations between thorn and the Governor
           soon became strained, and they wero soon both enjoying the hospitality of the
           British Telegraph Office under the peculiarly Persian institution of “ bast.”
              Prom this safe position they pressed the point strongly against the Governor,
           and with true Persian egotism even wired to the Tehran Parliament to
           amend the Act with reference to Kerman. The Parliament not unnaturally-
           refused to do this and telegraphed to tho Governor to teize the Nazim and
           send him up to Tehran.
              The Governor brought the telegram to me and asked my advice. I told
           him that I considered any attempt to seize the Nazim alone would be fatal
           and even if he could seize both the Nazim and the Naib it would be very
           risky. All the telegrams to him had come over the Persian wires and were
           therefore distrusted by the people. I advised him to bring the point to a
           clear issue between the Parliament and the Nazim and Naib and to get his orders
           over tho British wires, so that the people should not he able to accuse him of
           tampering with them but would clearly understand that the Nazim and Naib
           were defying the Central Government and not the local Governor. The
           Governor, however, went his own way, and managing to lure the Nazim out of
           “ bast ” seized him and hurried him out of the town.
              The Naib immediately gathered the whole following, closed the bazars and
           organised au attack on the palace. The small force in the palace shut the gates
           and fired on the mob killing five and wounding several more. The Naib and
           the mob then paraded at the British Telegraph Office with the victims and all
           went into “ bast.” The next morning the victims wero a*ain paraded before
           the Russian Consulate and a certain amount of violent language used to the
           Russian Consul, they were then again taken to the Telegraph Office and
               At this point the other current joined in and the stream, became too
           strong for the young Governor and swept him out of KermaD. The Mirza of
           the Russian Consulate, the Amin-ul-Islnm, had a private grudge against the
           Priuco because ihe Fefman Forma had treated him as the low*caste individual
           that ho is and refused to accept his position in the Russian Consulate as any
           claim to social rocoguiiion in tho palace. The Shcikhi Khans had been pressed
           by tho Governor to open up their stores of wheat and sell it at a price which
           represented an actual loss to thorn, and they had beou loug waiting for their
           revenge on the Deputy-Governor—tho Adil-os-Saltaneh—lor the anti-8heikhi
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