Page 270 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 270
Ilis Highness tho Sultan, in September, again sent his second son Sa;vid
Small expedition ngninst (ho Siabiyin. Nadir to Semayil with two guns,'one
brass from fort .Tolali and tho other a
hrecoh-loading one which was presented to him in 1005 by tho French, lie
had with him 30 Turkish soldiers of His Highness and 100 different tribesmen
from about Sib, whicli was used as tho base for the operations and to which
Sir Saivid Faisal himself paid allying visit. Tho object of tho expedition
was to cause the two small forts at Bidbid, which were built by Shaikh Seif-
bin-Mohsin, to be destroyed. W lien tho Siabivin heard of this expedition,
Shaikh Uamid-hin-A.tliim As Siahi and four followers left Nafah and went
to meet Saiyid Nadir in a friendly way at; Semayil. Saiyid Nadir, however,
seized these men and held them as hostages, meanwhile ordering the Siabivin
to razo the forts to the ground. This they did at once, and their Shaikh and
liis followers were then liberated.
Tho late Wali Sulciman-bin-Suweylim built four forts near Zikki, two at
Karuth and two on Jabel Karun. These
Capturo of Wo forts near Zikki by Ban! Rijam. were garrisoued by the Bani Ruwahali
for His Highness the Sultan.
About S00 of the Bani Riyam suddenly surprised tho garrisons at. Jabcl
Karun, overpowered them, and oapturod the two forts. Shaikh Abdullah-
bin-Said El Khalili of tho Bani Ruwaliah wrote offering His Highness to
proceed against the Bani Riyam—Bani Ruwahah and Bani Riyam being
hereditary enemies, and askod His Highness for supplies of food and money.
His Highness accepted the offer and sent the supplies demanded and appointed
Muzzaffer-bin-Sulciman-bin-Snwcylim as leader of the expedition, Tliere-
upon Shaikh Abdullah-bin Said El Khalili refu c 1 »co-operation, saying he
would never serve under tho son of a slave, and the expedition ended in a
fiasco. Sniyid Nadir frmn Semayil attempted negotiations with the Bani
Riyam but they also wero devoid of result.
The Shaiks of the Siabivin, Rahbivin and Nidabiyin went to Sbarkiyah
to see Shaikh Isa-bin-Saleb, to ask for
«>? protection of the Ilinavi tribe against
against His Highness. His Highness the Sultan, should the
latter proceed against them lor not
having delivered up the murderers of the late Suleiman-bin-Suweylim. Isa-
bin-Salch promised them his support. Tho Sultan, however, had no idea of
equipping au expedition for that purpose.
Inter-lribal quarrels.—In April a quarrel arose between the two factions of
the Bani Rahsib, a Ghafiri tribe of Jaalan,
Baui Hnhsib.
three men were killed and five wounded.
Shaikh Saleli-bin-Yasir resigned the leadership of the tribe as the quarrel
arose over his suitability for tho post. This temporarily caused the hostilities
to cease.
Two months lator, however, a fresh quarrel arose in which six men were
killed. Shaikh Saleh then committed suicide by shooting himself. Shaikh
Abdullah-bin-Salim, the Amir of the Rani J3u Ali, then seized and imprisoned
15 men of tho Bani Rahsib and arranged a lasting peace among the tribe.
In May, two factions of the Jennebeh, at Sur—the Fawaris and tho
Jcnnebch. Arama—fought among themselves. A
Bnnia Seth Jeirara Kcsowji was accident
ally wounded in the arm by a stray bullet. The Shaikhs of the Jennebeh com
pensated him by a payment of Rs. 300 with the sanction of the Political Agent,
who visited Sur for the purpose of investigating the matter.
His Highness the Sultan wrote to the Shaikhs of Jennebeh ordering tho
two sections to make p<aco. The Shaikhs of the Fawaris then came to Mnsknt
to see His Highness asking him to decide their quarrel with the Aramn. They
accused Shaikh Said-bin-Sultan tho Tamimah of the Jennebeh of unduly
favouring the Arama. The Sultan then sent Bamid-bin-Hamad to 8ur in
bis yacht, the Nur-ul-Bahr, with written terms of peace which wore accepted
by both the sections.
Bani Ruwahah Owing to the old blood-feuds existing between these tribes, fighting
and Bani frequently took place between them during the year, in the neighbourhood o