Page 274 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
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                       safely and foil in with some fishermen who fed them and conveyed them in a
                       Badan to Mallot. Thcro fortunately they found the small boat’s crow being
                       hospitably ontertainod. The smaller boat had proceeded in tho first instance to
                       Surah wbrro fishermen conveyed them along with their boat, to Mallot.
                           At Mahot both boats* crow were hospitably received by ltashid-bin-
                       Sawwnd el Hikmnni. He is a Shaikh of the. el Hikmani inhabiting the Barub
                       Ilikman as the land is called surrounding the Gbubbet-ul-Hashish,   lie
                       personally conducted the boat’s crew to Maskat in two dhows where they
                       arrived safely on the 21st and 22nd August, respectively, lie was thanked and
                       rewarded for his kindness and trouble. Meanwhile H.M.S. Lapwing had
                       been deputed by His Excellency the Naval Commamler-iu-Chicf to go in
                       search of tho missing boats and also to visit the wreck. The Commander of
                       tho Lapwing found it impracticable to launch a boat to visit the wreck,
                       and while passing Masirah Island he heard of the safe despatoh in dhows of
                       the missing crew.
                           Tho Hamburg-America Company in November made a donation of £50
                       to the Agency Hospital funds t.o mark their appreciation of the kindness their
                       officers and crew had received in Maskat. II is Highness the Sultan had the
                       thanks of tho Government of India regarding the behaviour of his subjects
                       conveyed to him at an official visit.
                          The Captain, officers and crew of tho Teutonia all reached Germany safely.
                      The steamer is a total wreck.
          Blavo trade.    As noticed in last year’s report, there appears to be no doubt that the
                      sl »vc traffic between Oman and the African ports lias ceased. This may be
                      inferred from the fact that the Africans who applied for freodom during the
                      past two years have all been in Oman some years. Thcro were none of recent
                      importation. Forty-five slaves applied at tho Agency for freedom, 42 were
                      granted manumission certificates, 3 were found not entitled to freedom under
                      treaty stipulations. With regard to these latter Ilia Highness the Sultan took a
                      bond from their masters for tho kind treatment of the slaves before surrender­
                      ing them. Of the forty-three (43) freed, 23 were Africans and 20 Mckranis,
                      Of these Mekranis z only elected to return to Mekran, the rest chose to remain
                      and earn their livelihood in Oman. Five Africars were repatriated via Bombay
                      by mail steamer and G vere sent direct to Zanzibar in a dhow. H.M.S.
                      Lapwing conveyed 2 to Karachi, 10 elected to remain in Oman.
                          Five applications were imde by Mckranis to recover their relatives from
                      slavery in Oman and the Trucial coast. Those in Oman were recovered. The
                      Shargah Agent was written to to assist those in the Trucial Coast.
          Public health   Maskat has been quite free from epidemic diseases and the public health
          and quarantine, has been good. Malarial fever is the prevalent disease, but shows a considerable
                      decrease over last year. This is due to the very small rainfall—1 inch aud 80
                      cents. The marsh immediately outside the city wall has quite dried up in
                      consequence. The benefit of this has been felt in the almost entire absence of
                      mosquitos. No blackwater fever occurred.
                          The quarantine arrangements were carried on by Captain Norman Scott,
                      I.M.S., to the satisfaction ot the Local Government and public.
                          The work of the Agency Hospital is at preseut being carried on with
                      difficulty in the Munshi’s and Postmaster’s quarters. This is inconvenient and
                      a suggestion to acquire a plot of land and build a modern well equipped
                      hospital is under consideration.
         RainfalL         This has been very scanty—1 inch and 80 cents. Last year it amounted to
                      4 inches and 60 cents and the year previous to 6 inches. This may diminish
                      the date crop slightly, although much more rain is said to have fallen in the
         Navy.            His Excellency the Naval Commandor-in-Chief, Sir George J. S. War-
                      render, C.B., C.V.O., A.-D.-C., visited Maskat in the flagship H.M.S. Hyacinth.
                      His Excellency exchanged visits with the Political Agent and His Highness
                      the Sultan. The other ships whioh have visited Maskat during tho official year
                      are H.M.S.1 Highflyer, Proserpine, Perseus, Sphinx, Lapioiny and Redbreast
                      and also the E.I.M.S. Lawrence and tho I. E. Telegiaph steamer Patrick
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