Page 280 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 280

                           An estimate given to the Political Agent by a knowledgeable Bahraini of
                       the total outturn of dates in the three districts is as follows :—
                           Hasa 2,000,000 tons, Itntif 033,000 tons and Bahrain 234,000. Bahrain
                       ns the Trade Returns show, is never able to produce tho quantity of dotes
                       required for its own consumption.
                                                 Public Health.
                           The islands of Bahrain were very healthy except for tho period, 19th April
                       to 4th July, when a severe outbreak of plague raged visiting almost every town,
                       village and hamlet.
                          It is estimated that 3,121 seizures occurred from this disease with 1,889
                      deaths. Tho latter included 16 Hindus, 2 Bobras 2 Jews and about 200
                      Persians; 2 Muhammadan sepoys of tho Agency Infantry Guard succumbed as
                      well as 1 refugee slave who was sheltering in tho Agency.
                          Several of the Political Agent’s servants recovered from slight attacks*
                      Casualties also occurred amongst the servants of all other Europeans in the
                      place (Messrs. Gray Paul & Co., Messrs. R. TVonckliaus & Co. and the
                      American Mission).
                          When the disease first appeared the Mission Hospital bad a few doses of
                      anti-plaguo sorum, with which the Europeans and a few domestics were
                      promptly inoculated ; and after an unfortunato and rather unaccountable delay
                      an additional stock was received in the Agency dispensary from the Parel
                      Laboratory. Altogether, 137 persons were inoculated by Dr. '1 horns of the
                      Mission, and 155 by Assistant Surgeon Monnni of the Victoria Memorial
                      Hospital, attached to the Agency. A fair number of tho more intelligent and
                      educated mom hers of the commercial community, who wero personally known
                      to the Political Agent, allowed themselves to be thus protected without any
                      untoward results, as did also two sons of the Chief, and if a bigger stock of
                      serum had been available when the epidemic was at its height, with seventy
                      deaths a day, no doubt a much larger number of people would have submitted
                      to the operation. Tho poorer classes resorted generally to flight, there being
                      scarcely a Persian cooly left in the town of Manama during the hot weather
                      and autumn of 1907, while the Shia Baharanis went over to Katif in consider­
                      able numbers at the same time. The cause of the outbreak has unfortunately
                      remained in obscurity, as no steamer can be charged with having imported tho
                      infection from India. There is some reason for suspecting that tho germs may
                      have now incradicably lodged in the islands themselves, and that tho alternate
                      years during which we are free from outbreaks may be duo to the small
                      number of rats which survive each epidemic.
                          As the years 1904,1906 and 1908 have boon healthy yoars, the advent of
                      the spring of 1909 is being awaited with considerable anxiety, and it is prob­
                      able that many Hindus will absent themselves from the islands during the
                      period of danger.
                          The health of the mainland districts seems to have been good throughout
                      the year.
                          Political.—The relations of the Political Agent with the Chief and his
                      family have been cordial throughout the year, though the magisterial and judicial
                      officials of Manama and Muharraq (Bazar Masters and Kazis) who come in  eon-
                      tact with foreigners enjoying British protection, continue to require constant ana
                      strict supervision to restrain them from indulging in petty acts of tyranny and
                      undue interference. It is satisfactory to report that in all cases of this nature
                      brought to the notice of Sheikh Esa the promptest satisfaction, as demanded,
                      has been accorded.
                          A typical example of tho lax method of governing the local tribes in yoguo
                      with the Sheikh occurred in Juno 1907, when the crews of two pearling boats,
                      one manned by A1 bu Palasa tribesmen, resident in Hadd, and the other y
                      Dowasir of Uudaiya’, came into conflict over the question of priority in the
                      matter of watering from the fresh-water spring on the Klior Easht reef, nortu-
                      west of Manama Harbour, with the result that one man on oaoh side was Bliot
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