Page 284 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 284

                                          Summary of Criminal cases, 1907-1908.

                                                    OV WITHOUT     Referred to   Ihvc«ijpntc<l
                                                    JUtroniMNO  Tried |   Kiwi with   hr Joint
                                                    XV1DXNOB.  nmler   iconarut of   Conrt
                                                             Indian   both |>NTtlca,   (Political   Total.
                                                              Penal   Agency  Agout Hiul
                                                  Chareo   Caan   Code.  Manahi w*teh.   Sheikh’.
                                                   wii h-  com pro*   ing the caeo  official).
                                                   drown.  mi soil.

                       Doth parties British         3     4    o                       9
                       British and Bahrainis        11   10            1       3      25
                       British and forciirnors      13    7    1               5      20
                       Bahrainis and foreigners    27    21           14       16     7S
                       Both parties foreigners .   £0    37           10       23     96

                                        Total      80    79    3      25       47    234

                          Movements of the Chief and his family.—Sheikh Esa came over from
                       Mubarraq to his summer residence outside Manama on the Itt July, and
                       returned to bis borne on tbe lesser island on the 30th September.
                           He spent about 28 days in camp during the year engaged- in “ Shikar. ”
                       He also paid a visit to his brother Sheikh Klialid on Sitra Island for two days in
                      September 1907.
                          Sheikh Bamad-bin-Esn spent 10 days of July on tbe Katar Peninsula
                      shooting. He waB mot. hv Sheikh Jasim-bin-Thani, at a spot near the west coast,
                       and escorted to Lusail, Sheikh Jasim’s residence, where be, with reluctance
                       probably, was introduced to Sheikh Nasir-bin-Mubarak, the " Pretender** of
                          Sheikh Hamad again left Bahrain for Linga on the 21st December and
                      returned on the 25th January.
                          Sheikh Muhammad-bin-Esa spent 20 days in Katar during December
                          On the 26tli. October 1907 Sheikh Abcallah-bin-Esa, the Chief’s third
                      surviving son, proceeded on pilgrimage to Mecca in the S.S. Madura, He
                      was accompanied by his mother, the Chief’s only living wife, and by
                      Sheikh Abdur Rabman-bin-Abdul Wahhab, the Wawr (Land Agent).
                          Tho party returned to Bahrain, safe and sound, on the 13fh Eehrunry
                      1908, in the S'.S. Hoseinee and landed under a salute of 8 guns from the
                      shore batteries of Manama and Muharrnq, the Agency steam launch having
                      been borrowed by the Chief to tow them near the shore.
                          Slave Trade.—Sixteen slaves took refuse in the Aeency during the year.
                      Twelve of these received manumission certificates from the Political Agent.
                      One was manumitted voluntarily by his master. One died of plague and the
                      remaining two, an elderly woman and a young boy, left the Agency of their
                      own accord to return to their masters.

                          The peace of the Katar Peninsula has boon undisturbed by any serious
                      event throughout the year ; the minds of all men were thoroughly depressed
                      by the continued absence of any sign of expansion in the price of pearls and
                      the want of ready money has compelled everyone to economize aa   P?s*
                      siblo. Tlie best ofTor received by Shaikh Jasim-bin-Thani in J"nnen^' for
                      the pearls which ho had actually purchased for Its. 1,20,00,000, was
                      Us. 60,00,000, and in fact shortly after the close of the year under report, no lias
                     settled with his creditors that they shall receive from him one and all onjy
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