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20 houses by cannon fire and compelling Sndun to give compensation for tho
stores and cash, 2,000 dollars, looted from tho Governmont.
An unpopular Turkish officer, Tahur Agashi, Mahmud Bog, who had
been recalled from II as a in 190G and had made several futile efforts subse
quently to get the people to concur in bis return, having forced his way
back in January 1908, was promptly shot dead in tho Hofuf Bazar by four men
who were bolieved to belong to Mubarraz.
The previous year’s Mutasarrif, Najib Pasha, returned to Basrah in August
1907, and was succeeded by Rashid Pasha in tho following October.
In Katif at tho commencement of the year Mansur-bin-Ahmad-bin-Mahdi,
a local magnate and the rival of Oaji Mansur Pasha, was acting as Qaimmaqam.
He was soon relieved by a Turk named Ahmad Effcndi who officiated until
February or March 1908, when he was relieved by Muhammad Amin-bin-
Sultan, the presont incumbent.
In Juno 1907, in consequence of rumours having reached Bahrain of
the pirate Abmad-bin-Salman showing some activity in the neighbourhood
of Katif, tho Commander of H.M.S. Lipwing was requested by the
Political Resident to proceed to tho port and enquire of the Qaimmaqam
whether lie had any news of tho outlaw’s whereabouts and what measures he
was taking against him. Tho Lapwing did not touch at Bahrein on accouufc
of tho prevalence of plague. On arrival at Katif, Lieutenant Commandor
Gouldsmith received a most unfriendly reception, being prevented by an
armed guard at the landing stage from advancing and meeting thoQairamaqam.
I he incident has since formed the subject of a strong representation to
tho Porte by the London Foreign Office, and subsequent to tho close of
the year under report, a satisfactory apology has been presented to tho
Commander by Ahmad Effendi’s successor, who went on board the Lapwing
on her next arrival in tho port and expressed his regret for tho incident in
writing as well as verbally.
Darwish EEFcndi, mentioned in last year’s report as having been removed
from tho post of Treasury Officer, Katif, in 1906, was reappointed to tho
same office in April 1907.
The Customs farm of Hasa, Katif and Ojair was sold for tho year com
mencing J4th March 1907, to the same contractors as before for 13,000
Turkish Liras ; this shows a decrease of 3,000 Liras on the previous year’s
No piracies occurred during the year under report, though rumours
of the movements of the professional, Ahrnad-bin-Salman, occasionally
filtered to Bahrain. It seems that dissensions were rife amongst his friends
in the early part of the hot weather, which hindered their putting out to sea
and interfered perhaps with their system of gaining intelligence. The frequent
presence of a gun-boat in the neighbourhood of Bahrain had also undoubtedly
a deterrent effect upon the lawless Bedouin and their leader.
Political Resident’s and Naval Commander-in-Chief’s Visits.
Major P. Z. Cox, C.I E., and Commodore Sir G. S. Wnrrender, Bart.,
C.B., M.V.O., reached Bahrein on the 16th April 1907, in H.M.8. Hyacinth,
which was accompanied by the R.I.M.S. Lawrence. The Chief of Bahrein
and the Political Agent called on Bis Excellency the Commodore and the
Political Resident after they had transferred to the Laxorence, andsub
sequently the visitors accompanied by the Political Agent returned Sheikh
Esa’s visit at his Muharraq residence.
On the following morning His Excellency tho Commander-in-Chief left
for Karachi in the flag-ship, while tho Political Resident proceeded a little later
to Bushiro in the Lawrence.
Visits of Government Vessels.
H.M.8. Hyacinth and RJ.M.S. Lawrence, bringing the Naval
er-in-Oliief and the Political Resident, paid a brief visit to Bahrein on tne
16th April 1907, both vessels leaving on the following day.