Page 290 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 290

                       Commo'loro and tlio Political Resident landed and an informal visit was paid
                       to Sheikh Jabir, who took His Exoollcuoy and his party round the town
                       of Koweit.
                           On the following day, Sheikh Mubarak returned from Sirra, where ho had
                       been for some days, and His Excellency paid him an official visit accompanied
                       hv tho Political Resident* the Political Agent and the Flag Lieutenant of
                       H. M. S. Hyacinth. Tho visit was returned at the Agency houso by tho
                       Sheikh himsolf, who then left for Sirra and invited Uis Excellency and
                       his party there. In the evening, His Excolloncy, tho Political Resident and
                       the officers of the flagship accompanied by the Political Agent and Mrs. Knox
                       and Sheikh Jabir rode to Sirra. His Excellency tho Commander-in-Chief and
                       his party woro met at two miles from Sheikh Mubarak’s camp by tho younger
                       members of tho Sheikh’s family and about 40 Bedouin horsomen w’ho galloped
                       across  the line backwards and forwards shouting tho Subah war cry and
                       firing rifles. Sheikh Mubarak himself met tho Commodore’s party about half
                       a mile from his tents. Tho whole cavalcade then rode on and were received
                       in a largo Persian tent. Here the guests wore treated to light refreshment
                       during whi h time speeches suitable to the occasion were exohangod between
                       the Commodore and the Sheikh. A display of beautiful Omani dromedaries
                       and droves of tho Sheikh’s riding camels were an interesting feature of the visit.
                       Dinner, of which the Sheikh himself partook, was then served to the party in
                       European fashion.
                           The flagship with His Excellency left for Bahroin on the 15th April.
                           During the year tho following ships of 11 is Majesty’s Navy visited the
                            H. M. S. Proserpine once, H. M. S. Lapwing twice, H. M. 3. Redbreast
                                  once, H. M. S. Sphinx 4 times, the R.I.M.S. Lawrence thrice,
                                  tho I. G. T. S. E. Patrick Stcxcart once in Novomber. On the
                                  31st March tho R. E. L. Surprise arrived. Visits were exohnnged
                                  between the Commandant of the ship and the Political Agent.
                                  The Commandant and two other officers of the ship visited Sheikh
                                  Mubarak. Tho Political Agent was present at the end of tbo

                                                 Visits and Tours.
                          The Political Resident visited Koweit thrice during the year.
                          During the winter, two tours were made by tho Political Agent in tho
                      Koweit hinterland.
                          His Britannic Majesty’s Consul at Basrah was visited at Christmas, and on
                      the way opportunity was taken to visit the new Sheikh of Zubair, Muhamraad-
                      bin-Mishri, an old acquaintnnce of the Political Agent who was elected
                      Sheikh by the inhabitants of Zubair after the assassiuation of ICbalid al’Aon
                      in the streets of Basrah on the 19th November. A visit was also paid during
                      the Political Agent’s stay at Basrah to Sheikh Khazal of Muhammerah at
                      Eailiya, with whom Sheikh Mubarak was staying at the time. An interesting
                      detour to tho west on tho return journey made some slight additions to our
                      knowledge of the vexed geographical problem of the course of the Batin.
                      No visible signs of further encroachment on Koweit boundaries by the Turks
                      was detected. In February, the Political Agent moved southwards aud
                      reached the village of Anta’a about 150 milos south of Koweit. Ho was well
                      received by the Sheikh and inhabitants who unsolicited expressed their
                      allegiance to and affection for the Sheikh of Kowoit.
                          No untoward incident marred the journey which was a severe test for the
                      camel transport.
                          Service in tho escort is now greatly sought ufter and tho scheme is
                      working well.
                         The Customs Administration was managed by the Sheikh’s slave, Anian,
                     up to 17th January 1908, when he was cast into prison and all bis belongings
                     confiscated by the Sheikh for misappropriating customs revenue ana
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