Page 295 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 295


                                     Sueikii Mubarak.
                Sheikh Mubarak has continued to be on friendly terms with the Turkish
            officials except towards the end of the year when there was some trouble at
            Fao. Tho Turkish soldiers in the Fort at Fao broke open the Sheikh’s bunds
            which protected his Fao date plantations and let in the Hood water causing
            thereby considerable damage to tho property. The matter was brought to the
            notice of His Excellency tho Wali of Basrah, who took no steps in the matter.
            The matter is still hanging fire and the Sheikh has approached the Political
            Agent and tho Political Resident with a view to a settlement of this trouble­
            some question.
                The Sheikh has paid frequent visits to the Sheikh of Mohatnracrnh during
            the year. In Juno when the latter was in trouble with his riverain tribes—the
            Bani Turuf—Sheikh Mubarak himself proceeded to help his friend. A large
            quantity of firearms and provisions were taken to Mohammcrah. Some of tho
            younger members of the Sheikh’s family also went there but Sheikh Jabir
            strongly objeoted to his father’s doings as being risky and hazardous. The
            Sheikh returned to Kowoit after a few days’ absence at Moharamerah and
            reported to the Political Agent that the Rani Turuf had made an attack on
            Sheikh Kbazal’s troops but were repulsed with heavy loss. Sheikh Mubarak
            then intervened and peace was restored.
                In July the Shoikli was in treaty for a date garden from Sa’adun of tho
            Muntafich near the Zain property and opposite Mohammerah for £T8,000 but
            interference on the part of the Turkish authorities annulled the bargain
            greatly to the Sheikh’s annoyance.
                In June the Sheikh discharged his Secretary, Moolla Abdulla, for insubor­
            dination and altering certain documents contrary to his orders. Moolla
            Abdulla was replaced by Abdul Aziz-bin-Salim-bin-Bcdar, who was for so
            long imprisoned by the Turks and was formerly the Sheikh’s agent in Basrah.
            There is no doubt that Abdul Aziz is a farimore capable man and the Sheikh’s
            correspondence is now intelligible which it used not to be in the days of
            Moolla Abdulla.
                Owing to the previous year’s heavy exactions, few Koweitis went on
            pilgrimage and the Haj consisted mostly of Najada, Bedouins and strangers.
            'There were practically no Koweit townsmen and the true pilgrims numbered
            from 40 to 50 in all.
                                    Political changes.
               The charge of the Agency was held by Major S. G. Knox throughout
           tho year.
                                                   S. G. KNOX, Major,
                                                       Political Agent, Koxceit.

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