Page 359 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 359


                     AND THE MASKAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOR THE YEAR 1908.     59

           the gardens in the more sheltered valleys however sent in supplies and Kerman
           was not left altogether without fruit. The rain this year has roeen good
           and the weather normal and prospects look favourable. The hills round have
           their usual quantity of snow though the line at which it is lying appears
           considerably lower than usual. There has not been much snow on the plain
           itself and no unusual cold to acoount for the low line on the lulls.
               It has been a relief to at last have a properly constituted authority with General
           whom to deal and to have peace and order restored in the town. It has been  remarka.
           possible again to get cases settled and claims paid and so justify one’s exis­
           tence. The chief worry and worst drawback of the place has however become
           worse than ever—namely its aloofness. Even the Persians themselves are
           beginning to feel this and to realise that there are desirable things to see and
           obtain beyond their present limited horizon, and would welcome any facili­
           ties for enabling them to see and obtain them, but above all would they, or at
           least ninety per cent, of them, welcome any one who offered to bring them
           what they have heard of but never seen—namely a free, just and strong

                                                     C. DUCAT, Major,
                                         His Britannic Majesty's Consul, Kerman.


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