Page 361 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 361

              At Minab Sheikh Ilassan Amin-i-Diwan continued in ofiice as Deputy-
          Governor until the 19th June, when on his resignation Mir Ghulam Ali
          Rudani was appointed. But the latter finding the constant dissensions and
          intrigues of the inhabitants too much for him also resigned within three
           weeks, and Sheikh Hassan being re-appointed in his place held ofiice to the
          end of the year.
              In Kishm Sheikh Saleh continued in office, but an innovation was intro­
          duced by the appointment of Sheikh Ilassan as Zabit of Laft on June the
          25th, thus making two Zabits responsible for-portions of the Island.
              At Hormuz the interest of the Muin-ut-Tujjar have remained in the
          care of Mirza Khalil.
              Attitude.—The attitude of the local officials has on the whole been
          better towards this Consulate, with the notable exception of Sheikh Hassan
          Amin-i-Diwan, and at Minab the prompt and conciliatory manner in which
          Kcrbelai Mahomed Hassan used to settle cases is much missed. Moreover,
          the authority of Sheikh Hassan in Minab appears to be of the slenderest
          description. Petty eases of thefts, debts and settlements of accounts, in
          tiie town when the debtors have not considered the sum sufficiently large to
          warrant their absconding, have, as a rule, been promptly settled. The older
          and larger claims however continue to be evaded in the time-honoured way.
              Situation.—At the beginning of the year the after-damp of the Baharlu  Public
          tribes’ explosion, noticed in last year’s report, was not dispersed until about tronqui5?ty.
          ibe middle of January, when on the disappearance of the tribesmen the
          Bushire sarbazes returned from their camp in the Ginao hills and proceeded
          to their head-quarters.
              In outlying villages small raids were not unfrequent, and the bolder
          and more impecunious spirits in the neighbourhood found that the absence
          of any real opposition on the part of the local authorities as well as the
          latter’s inability to exact retribution gave them as many opportunities for
          enriching themselves at the expense of their neighbours as they desired.
              Incidents.—In January one Ali Mulla Saffi of the Gooji tribe who resides
          near the Tang-i-Zagh Pass, threatened retaliation owing to the way in which
          a claim, for damages to the orange-gardens of a Bunder Abbas merchant
           had been settled, and though they did not descend actually to Bunder Abbas,
          committed several depredations in the Shamilat.
              In the beginning of February some 400 donkeys were carried off by
          some 30 of these men whilst grazing near Baghu (some 12 miles from Bunder
              On the 27th February a sowar of the Kerman escort on his way to the
          coast for India was robbed of his belongings also near the same place. This
          case has not yet reached a final settlement. About the same time a caravan
          was robbed near Rahdar in Shamilat by robbers said to be from Ahmedi and
          therefore in Fars jurisdiction.
              In March intelligence was received of the death of one Kerbelai Saraj,
           one of the most noted and truculent robbers in the neighbourhood; some
           years previously he had been Kalantar of Fin, and dismissal turned him into
           a highwayman, a role he sustained with much success and profit.
               In April a donkey-caravan was robbed on the Yezd route, near the Ginao
              In May an Armenian in the German Shipping Agency robbed a Bahrain
           Arab in the town of some R2,300 and £140, a large part of which was
           recovered on energetic measures being instituted by His Majesty’s Consulate.
               In June, when arrangements had been made for opening the premises
          of the late landing contractor of the British India Steam Navigation
           Company by the Karguzar and a representative of this Consulate, a special
           majlis was convened at the instigation of the Deputy-Governor Haji Khan
           me-ocal       Sheikh Ali, and the head of the merchants, Haji Amin ut-
           Tujjar, for the purpose of censuring the Karguzar, a purpose temporarily
           effected by 1ns being forced to resign the seals of his office. The agitation
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