Page 400 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 400

                           MONTHS ENDING 31st DECEMBER 1908.

                  The nine months under review have shown a further decline in the  power
       politioi  of the Hail faction and a corresponding consolidation of the power of Abdul
                  The weakening of the Bani Rashid has been due as much to internal
              family dissensions as to any attacks made on them by the southerners of
                  Early in April, a report reached Koweit that Faisal-bin-Rashid had
              killed the governor of Jauf, a nominee of the Amir, Sultan-bin-Rashid, and
              had set up an administration of his own there.
                  In the same month came news that the Sibhan clan of the Shammar
              tribe with 70 Hail townsmen had escorted Sa’ud-bin-Abdul Aziz-bin-Rashid
              to Medina. The party were well received by the Turkish authorities who
              are said to have assisted them in collecting zikat from the Harb tribe.
                 About the same time were reported the deaths of Hamud-bin-Obaid-ar-
              Rashid and the wife of Abdul Aziz-bin-Rashid, the late Amir. The latter’s
              sister appears to have married Hamud-bin-Sibhaa
                 The next news came in May from El Kasim where Abdul Aziz-bin-
              Sa’ud finally turned out the Amir of Boraida, Muhammad-al-Mahanna, Abal
              Khail, who was permitted to go into exile at Zubair. The same month
             brought news of a reconciliation effected between Abdul Aziz-bin-Sa’ud and
                 In June, news came from Boraida that Sa’ud-bin-Rashid had either
             killed or imprisoned Sultan-bin-Rashid and his son who had attempted a
             flight with the family treasure. In September, the Sibhan clan of the
             Shammar tribe, under the leadership of Hamud-bin-Sibhan, attacked and
             took possession of Hail and installed Sa’ud-bin-Abdul Aziz as Amir. Sa’ud-
             bin-Hamud was killed by them. A pedigree of the house of Obaid-bin-
             Rashid is attached to this report.
                 The latest news from the interior shows that Abdul Aziz-bin-Sa’ud is
             in El-Kasim and making extravagant demands on the Sibhan clan which
             must end either in fresh disturbances or in the unconditional submission of
             the Shammar faction for the time being.
                 Sheikh Mubarak has just informed the Political Agent that news has
             come in from Boraida that Bin-Sa’ud, contemplating a raid on Hail, reached
             a village within two days of that town and found the Sibhan and Shamniar in
             full strength to oppose him and had to return to Boraida.
    Tribal      There are few events of any consequence to report during the nine months.
                There were serious disturbances in Al-Katif between Bedouins and
            townsmen, but events in Al-Hasa hardly fall within the purview of this
            Agency. The Ajman Chief, Muhammad-bin-Hithlain, seems to have in­
            creased in power and concurrently the power of Bin-Sa’ud’s Agent, Abdul
            Aziz-bin-Mashuq, has been steadily on the increase in Al-Hasa.
                Two Ajman Chiefs, Fahaid-al-Mutalagam, Sheikh of the Al-Hadi section
            and Abdulah-bin-Mansur-bin-Manaikhir, Sheikh of the Al-Safran section o
            the Ajman, raided Faisal-bin-Majid-ud-Dawish during the month of Juiw
            in the direction of the wells of Ilhaba, one of the wells called Al-Atwal m
            the tract of As-Suman.
                Sheikh Mubarak directed the return of the camels to Faisal and had
            the two Sheikhs, noted above, imprisoned as hostages until the restitutio
            was complete. These men were imprisoned in the middle of Scptnn •
            Fahaid-al-Mutalagam was released on the 24th October and Abdullaii-Din-
            Manaikhir about the 10th December.
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