Page 401 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 401

             An event of some interest occurred in October when the Ajman round
         Al-IIasa looted a caravan of Siba and Sahul in the neighbourhood of Al
         llafhuf, in spite of the caravan being accompanied by Ajraan rafiqs. Some
         restitution was made, but as these were Riadh “ Araibdar ”, it is expected that
         Bin-Sa’ud will, in his leisure moments, exact vengeance for the outrage
         committed against them, in which Muhammad-bin-llithlain, the Ajman
         Chief, took a leading part.
             Umtair politics have been quiet this year. Reports were received in
         October of a complete reconcilation between Bin-Sa’ud and Faisal-ad-
         Dawish, the Sheikh of the Elwa.
             The only other event worth recording in connection with this tribe
         is the death of Isa’ud-al-Fugam, Sheikh of the large Sab’ha sections of the
         Elwa Umtair. He died in Koweit on the 20th July of tuberculosis and was
         succeeded by his brother IJaif.
             The remaining tribe of importance near Koweit is the Thaffir and
         Thaflir politics have been somewhat disturbed owing to the defection of
         Mutani-bin-Hallaf, Sheikh of the important sub-division of As-Said. This
         Chief left the tribe in November and joined' Sa’adun of the Muntafik;
         Hamud-bin-Swait, the chief of the Thaflir, has now come to Koweit and
         further developments may be expected shortly.
             Towards the end of December reports reached the Political Agent that
         17 camels, which were grazing to the south-west of Jahra and belonged to
         his escort and men, were raided and carried oil by the Shammar tribesmen.
         On hearing of this news Sheikh Mubarak at once despatched two of his
         own men to try and recover the raided animals. No news of their recovery
         was, however, received till the end of December.
             Towards the end of April, His Excellency the Naval Commander in-
         Chief, East Indies Station, visited the port of Koweit in H. M. S. Hyacinth.
         On the arrival of the ship, the Political Agent immediately proceeded on
         board and the usual salute of 11 guns was fired as he approached the ship.
             For good and sufficient reasons, Sheikh Jabir did not pay the usual
         visit of welcome. A letter of apology for this neglect was sent by Sheikh
         Mubarak, who was at Sirra but returned to Koweit immediately. Un-official
         and social visits were paid that evening and ceremonial visits arranged for
         the following day. On both occasions, Sheikh Mubarak paid the first visits.
             The following ships of His Majesty visited Koweit during the period
         under report:—H. M. S. Hyacinth once, II. M. S. Lapwing once, and the
         R. I. M. S. Lawrence six times.
             The Political Resident visited Koweit twice during the nine months.  Visits a\. d
                                                                              tours of
             The Political Agent went up to Basrah in the R. I. M. S. Lawrence,  British
         placed at his disposal during the month of July, in connection with Sheikh  officials.
         Mubarak’s Fao date plantations, and the alleged encroachments by the
         Turkish military authorities at Fao. The Political Agent, during his two
         days’ stay at Basrah, visited His Britannic Majesty’s Consul and conferred
         >vith him on the subject. He also paid a private visit to His Excellency the
         Wali of Basrah at his residence and obtained permission to land at Fao and
         visit the broken embankment' regarding which Sheikh Mubarak had made so
         many complaints. The Political Agent on his return voyage landed at Fao
         with one of the ship’s officers and marched off to the spot and inspected it.
         While at Fao he visited, the Kaimmakam of Fao and the visit was returned by
         the latter at the Telegraph quarters. The Political Agent then embarked
         and proceeded to the Khor Abdulla and after having landed at the Wool
         Isiand for a while returned to Koweit on the 21st July.
             Another tour of a month’s duration was undertaken by the Political
         Agent to the south of Koweit.
             Towards the end of December, the Political Agent went up to Fao
         Mohammcrah and Basrah with the Political Resident in the R. I. M. s!
         Lawrence and returned in the Agency steam launch Leiois Felly.
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