Page 411 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 411


                                  ANNUAL REPORT

                                           OP THE
                       PERSIAN GULF RESIDENCY

                                          FOR THE

                   YEAR ENDING 31ST DECEMBER 1909.
                               Review by the Political Resident-

                 There have been several changes of personnel in the sphere of the Resi­
                                            dency since the last report, and those
                                            now submitted have been furnished by
             the following officers :—
              Bnshire and Para        . By the Resident and Mr. J. H. Bill, I.C.S., His
                                          Majesty’s Acting Consul at Shiraz.
              Bandar Abbas            . By Captain M. E. Rae.
              Kerman                  . By Mirza Nasrullah Khan (in the absence of Major
                                          C. Ducat on leave).
              Persian Mekran .        . By Mr. D. Gumbley, Assistant Superintendent,
                                          Jask Sub-Division, under supervision of Mr. H.
                                          Whitby Smith, Director, Persian Gulf Tele­
                                          graphs, and Political Officer, Mekran Coast.
              Arabistan                . By Lieutenant A. T. Wilson, Acting Consul.
              Ahwaz                    . By Lieutenant J. G. L. Ranking.
              Maskat                   . By Mr. R. E. Holland, I.C.S.
              Trucial Oman             . By the Resident.
              Bahrain                  . By Captain C. F. Mackenzie.
              Kuwait                   . By Captain W. H. I. Shakespear.
                  The changes in Arabistan, Bahrain and Kuwait were due to the incum­
              bents of those offices proceeding on furlough after several years tenure of
              their appointments, viz., Captain D. L. R. Lorimer, Major F. B. Prideaux
              and Major S. G. Knox, respectively. In connection with these movements,
              Captain Shakespear was transferred from Bandar Abbas to Kuwait, being
              relieved in turn by Captain M. E. Rae, then Second Assistant Resident at
              Bush ire.
                  It will be noted that Kermanshah now drops out of the list of appoint­
              ments under the Residency. This is due to the fact that in the course of
              joint consideration, by His Majesty’s Government and the Government of
              India, of the financing and filling of the Consular appointments in Persia
              and the Persian Gulf, it was decided to make an exchange between Kerman­
              shah, hitherto filled by the Government of India, and Mohammerah, which
              since the creation of the appointment 18 years ago, had been filled by His
              Majesty’s Foreign Office. Accordingly Captain L. B. Haworth, Consul at
              Kermanshah, became Consul for Arabistan to reside at Mohammerah, while
              Mr. W. McDouall, hitherto Consul at Mohamraerah, was transferred to Ker­
              manshah. Captain Haworth, however, was obliged to apply for sick leave
              before taking up his new post, and Lieutenant A. T. Wilson, who then hap­
              pened to be on the spot in command of the Sowar guard attached to the
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