Page 412 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 412

                       Anglo-Persian Oil Company for duty at the scene of their operations, was
                       appointed to hold charge pending the return of the substantive incumbent.
                       Under the new arrangements the Dost at Ahwaz now became a* Vice-Con­
                       sulate in the sphere of the Consul lor Arabistan. The incumbent, however,
                       retained the local rank of Consul granted him for the purposes of precedence
                       among foreigners, and, so far as his duties with the Bakhtiaris were con­
                       cerned, continued to work directly with His Majesty’s Legation, through the
                       Consulate-General at Bushirc, or Ispahan, according to season, as heretofore.
                       The dates and details of the changes will be found in the Reports of the
                       offices concerned.
                           The reports from Bushire, Shiraz, Lingah and Bandar Abbas consist
                                                     almost entirely of narratives of the
                                Buahiro and Far*.
                                                     course of the so-called “Nationalist”
                        upheaval, which occurred in the Southern provinces in the early part of the
                        year, the aftermath of which continued to make itself felt almost to the close
                        thereof. With regard to this particular topic, the reports from the several
                        centres are so interdependent on one another that it is simpler to treat them
                           At the time the last year’s report was written, March 1909, it was
                        stated that most of the principal towns in Persia were in the hands of the
                        Nationalists, and that it seemed probable that the Shah would soon be brought
                        to his knees, if only for want of funds.
                           At the commencement of this year, the most prominent actor on the stage
                        was Seyyid Abdul Husem Lari and the scene was laid in Laristan. The
                        Kawarai brothers of Shiraz, Salar-i-Sultan (who had succeeded his murdered
                        father as “Kawara”) and Nasr-ed-Dowleh, his younger brother, had left
                        Shiraz in November 1903, determined to extinguish the troublesome religious
                        firebrand above-mentioned, who for a long time past had been neglecting no
                        opportunity to attack and loot the adherents and the property of the Kawam
                        family in the Darab and Fasa districts. Action had been however delayed
                        too long, and the Kawam was unable to move beyond Darab, while Seyyid
                        Abdul Husein maintained himself successfully in Lar. Ultimately their
                        dispositions were no more effective than the usual run of Persian wrarlike
                        operations, and, after spending a good deal of money and time, they returned
                        to Shiraz, in March, without having effected anything and leaving the dis­
                        tricts at the mercy of Seyyid Abdul Husein, whose energies had been greatly
                        stimulated by the failure of the Kawams to tackle him.
                            Meanwhile, remaining in Lar himself, in case of any advance from the
                        north on the part of the Kawamis, the Seyyid had, through the instrument­
                        ality of letters of exhortation and the active assistance of two or three kind­
                        red spirits, been sedulously disseminating revolutionary propaganda in the
                        Gulf Ports, and, as a direct result of this, disturbances broke out, first at
                        Bandar Abbas, on 17th of March, then at Bushire, on the 22nd, and, finally,
                        at Lingah 3 days later, the Customs and Local Government falling into the
                        hands of the so-called Nationalist leaders. The situation was indeed res­
                        cued in a great measure from a state of danger and anarchy by the appoint­
                        ment and arrival of His Excellency the Darya Begi as Governor of the Gulf
                        Ports, but it was Dot until the deportation of Seyyid Murteza, the Bushire
                        leader, in June, and the entry of the Nationalist forces into Tehran in July,
                        resulting in the abdication of Muhammad Ali Shah and the reinception of
                        constitutional government, that anything like normal conditions were res­
                        tored in the ports themselves.
                         . For the latter part of the year the centre of political interest lay chiefly
                        m the local politics of Shiraz, which are graphically described by Mr. Bib
                                    «.                in his report. The opening of the
                                                      had found Shiraz with a hopelessly
                         incompetent Governor-General in the person of Asaf-ed-Dowleh, who seems
                        to have been merely a puppet in the hands of the Kashgai Ilkhani, Sowlet-
                         ed-Dowleh. Asax-ed-Dowleh was, however, dismissed in July; Zil-es-Sultan,
                         Ala-ed-Dowleh and Ain-cd-Dowleh being severally nominated in turn to
                        succeed him. None of these choices however proved practicable, and the post
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