Page 44 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 44
Principal Tribes of Zuristan.
TribM. HiblUt. ChUU. Pightl* B itrenjlh. Bnum.
Dilf&n . Wc*t and north*weit portions Naznr’AH Kblln, Fntb-1- 18,000 Bourcrarf rar IWU
of PrOTIDOO. BulLAo. Prod ota at ndlt,
aborp ud rtM*,
flro«*od and
Tuaufwand Wwtorn bank of KAihp&n Adal and Rizfi Khan 8,000 ohareoal. Bom
Ri>cr, and All, i«hter, noith* «ara tnjittiUu
we»l of Khorramlbad.
Q ali wand On Saimarrn Rivor above the Hnaaain Quh, Ma, i Kbiln 6,000
Fort, Yail&q, Khiwa P Mannabi and Jilni.
Bairanwand . 1 he east of Pusht*i-Knh, and Ma R&uim Khftn and 10,000
Alwhtcr, but wander a good others.
Ha6sanwand . Jftdar and CAmtuahJln, on 8ai> Sai Mabdi Ebon . 8,000
marra River; Ali, lahter.
B&gwand Diifnl plain and oaatorn Pneht- Ffiril Khan, Khanjan 6,000
i-h'Qb; country eart and Khan, Ilwwan Gid&c;
eocth-oaat of KbnrratnAb&d. Ache Rian; and Uebr
'Ali Khan.
Di rah wand ■ Both aidea of direct Diz'ul- Nurnrroos. Mir Haji Elan Some accounts
KbnrrumAbad route from : ila Tiki Kuan. 6,000
Eal'a hizA to Sh&b in Sbib.
JOdaki - . In northern part of Diiakwand ; Fathnllah Khan and ’Ab* Some 2,0*00
territory. las Khan. 2,000
CLingaui . . Na’ikaab, etc, 20—30 mile* ; P Few
j weal of KhurramAliad.
j !
Pal wand , At Zfigha, etc., 28 mile* east Pipi Khan • .
. of Khcrtaaibbfid on main 1
| route to Burnjird.
£&zon . . . At Razon 10 mile* east of, Riza Khan, Sartib •
j Zagha.
Ftp: . . Sorarwbere in ea«tern part of P P
i di*trict, probablj on 3L Dix.
fiti . | Somewhere in eastern pirt of P ?
J district, probably on R. Oil.
Principal Tribes of Pusht-i-Kvh,
Tribes of Fa, ili and Kurd origin from the bulk of the
Fa, ili Lurs population of Pusht-i-Kuh; but detailed information in
Of Dirakwand origin, settles by the Wali on the left bank of
{ against the Dilfan.
Zaiuiwaud . the Sairaarra River, below Dareshahr, to act as buffer
A portion of the Bairanwand and Sagwand tribes Lave been settled in
eastern Pusht-i-Kuh for the last two or three years.