Page 47 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 47
Zahar *Ali were entrusted with the charge of the tribal affairs, and Bharhan
was made over as a hostage to tho Sardar Arf'a. It was given out that the
33ani Turuf had paid up tho sum of 40,000 tumanB out of the 87,000 balanoe
of arrears of revenue due for the seven preceding years, and that Ghazban of
tho Bani Lam had gono security for the remaining 47,000 tumanB.
Aftor this the situation remained unaltered until tho middle of Maroh
190G, when Haji Sabhan suddenly reappeared from his retirement, treacher
ously fell on the handful of Persian soldiers left in Hawiza, of whom throe
wore killed and eight wounded, and made himself supreme in Hawiza.
Sheikh Hanzal was deputod to the command of a levy of the Bawiya
which had already been despatched by tho Sardar Arf’a.
From a multitude of conflicting reports the general impression is gained
that in a little skirmishing which took place between the various sections of
the Bani Turuf, small part was taken by the forces from this aide of the river,
who were encamped at Yallaliya on the left bank of the Karkha.
To bring this episode to a conclusion, it may be stated that in the begin
ning of April, Sheikh Banzai fought a small action (in which the total
casualties amounted to about 20) which resulted in the discomfiture and flight
of Sabhan.
4. The state of this part of the country has been unhappy during a !
considerable portion of the year. In May the Al bu Rawava and Marau,
una tried conclusions with the Bani Tamim. This ended in their retreat
to the right bank of the Karim opposite Wais, where they have remained
A dispute between the Shurafa and the Bani Sala succeeded a month
later, in which both parties received (? assistance) from the Bani Turuf.
The Bani Sala carried the day.
Still later the Abwaz neighbourhood was perturbed by the incursions of
raiding parties of the ill-famed Khasarij section of the Bani Lam.
5. During the year a long-standing dispute between the Sardar Arf’a
and the Bakhtiari Khans reached, a crisis.
Raobaiwa is a small settlement at the foot of the outer hills North-East
from Wais. It was originally accounted the property of the Sheikh, but his
representative Mulia Thani, in 'whose charge this part of the country was,
appears to have neglected it.
The Bakhtiaris assumed the grazing rights of tho locality, and gradually
a small settlement came into existence. Refugees from the Sheikh’s jurisdic
tion found it a convenient place of sanctuary, and demands for their surrender,
were consistently refused by the Khans. In April last Haji Rais almost
succeeded in obtaining the consent of tue Samsam-us-Saltana and his party
for the lease of the land to the Sheikh, hut at the last moment they cried !
off. In July the matter was again brought into prominence by the flight of
Sheikh Masikh with a number of bis adherents to Raghaiwa. Masikh alleged
oppression on the part of Zahar Earhan, the Sheikh’s representative at Waia,
who is also responsible for most of the previous desertions.
A proposal that we should act as intermediaries was made impossible
by the remoteness of the Bakbtiari Khans at that season.
The Sheikh made reference to Tehran. Masikh returned in the course
of a month or so, but the general question remained unsettled, until permission
was received from Tehran to effect the repatriation of the remaining refugees
by foroe.
In November Zahar Farhan (of Wais) and the Zargham um Mumalik,
the Salar Muazzam’s military commander, left in company to put tins into
practice. Instead however of endeavouring to induce the Arabs to return,
this estimable couple contented themselves with permitting the abuse of their
wives and womenkind by their followers. The Sheikh was greatly incensed,
and Farhan has spent his time since under open arrest at F&iliya.
As regards the political question, the deposition of the 8&msiiii, an old
enemy, and the elevation of the Sardar As’ad, a friend, of the 8heikh\ finally
removed all tension.