Page 417 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 417


                                  APPENDIX A to PART lit

               1. Roturn of principal artioloa of export from Bushiro daring the jean 1894, 1895,
               9, Roturn of principal artiolcs of import into Buehire daring the jean 18M, 1895,
               8. Roturn of total nambor and tonnage of vessels of each nation 'fiat catered at the
            port of Bushire during the years 1894, 1895,1896.
               4.  Return of total nambor and tonnago of vessels of each nation fiat cleared from the
            port of Busbire during the years 1894, 1896, 1896.
               5.  Statement showing the qaantity of opium exported from Bushire&om 1st January to
            81st December 1896.
               6.  Statement obowing the Customs and other revenues farmed % tie Governor of
            fiu8bire for tbo year 1896-97#
               7.  Return of principal articles of export from Lingah daring tbs yam 1894, 1895,
               8. Return of principal articles of import into Lingah during the year? 189t, 1895,
               9.  Return of total number and tonnage of vessels of each nation Ihat entered at the
            port of Lingah during the years 1894, 1895, 1898.
               10.  Return of total number and tonnage of vessels of each nation fiat cleared from the
            port of Lingah during the years 1894, 1895, 1896.
               11.  Return of principal articles of export from Bunder Abbas dtriog years 1894,
            1895, 1896.
               12.  Return of principal articles of import into Bander Abbas dermg fie years 1894,
            1895, 1896.
               13.  Return of total number and tonnage of vessels of each nattos that catered at the
            port of Bunder Abbas Juriug the years 1894, 1895, 1896.
               14.  Return of total number and tonnago of vessels of each nation that chared from the
            port of Bunder Abbas during the years 1894, 1895, 1896.
               15.  Statement showing the qaantity of opium exported from Sander Abbas from 1st
            January to 81st December 1896.
               16.  Return of principal articles of export from Bahrain daring'&e paxes 1894, 1895,
               17. Return of principal articles of import into Bahrain during (fit yetxz 1894, 1895,
               18.  Return of total number and tonnage of vessels of eaob im&nxm t&n? entered at the
           port of Bahrain during the years 1894, 1895, 1896.
               19.  Return of total number and tonnage of vessels of eabb-nattH} dlu&cleared from the
           port of Bahrain during the years 1894, 1895, 1896.
             ■ 20. Return of principal articles of export from the pofts^on 4he Arab Coast of the
           Persian Gulf during the years 1894, 1895, 1896.
               21.  Return of principal articles of import into the ports on \%b Aiab Coast of the
           Persian Gulf during the years 1894, 1895, 1896.
               22.  Return of total number and tonnage of vessels of eacih natira entered at the
           ports on the Arab Coast of the Persian Gulf during the years 1894,^1816,1H®8L
               23.  Return of total number and tonnage of vessels of eaoh natron than cleared from the
           ports on the Arab Coast of the Persian Gulf during the years 1894, IAN.
              24.  Abstract table of exports to Principal countries from all (the :port* before specified
           during the years 1894,1896, 1896.
              25. Abstract table of imports into all the ports before specified m Ac Persian Gulf
           during the years 1894, 1895, 1896,
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