Page 422 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 422


                       Table thowing the principal arficlet etportcdfrom Buthire during the yean 1694 18<)K
                                                 1396—continued.                 *
                                               m               iw.              im.
                       Frlnelpsl articles and principal
                       ' countries to which exported.
                                          Quantity.  Tain*.  QuauUtjr,  Taht*.  Quantity.  Tain*,
                                                    St              St
                     Tobacco—eonti.                                                  St
                       Turkey .                                            0.107 cwt*.
                       Egypt .                                            18,438 „   1.00.021
                       Malt* .                                                     *.83,260
                       Larnaca                              • ••          1.611 *   88,185
                                                                           885 _
                       India .                              Ml                       6,888
                       America                                              00 *     L071
                                                                            M -
                       Fenian port*                                         118 „     459
                       Bahrain .                                                     8,040
                                                                            17 *      476
                      Wool—               9,291 ewta.  2,94,220  6,526 cirta.  1,74^90  • ••
                       United Kingdom                                     6,428 cwU.   1,8*7*,678
                       Franoc .   .
                                                                            W a
                       India   •   ,                                       141 .     8,907
                    WOOLLBK GOODS—       1,018$ pktfi.  14.i8.070  1,427 ibil is 19,25,900
                       United Kingdom .   .                                689 pkga.  1,86,605
                       France ....                                           7 ..    3.859
                       Germany ...                                                   2,764
                       Austria ....                                          6 -     1,105
                                                                             2 ..
                       Belgium   •   •   .                                   9       4.947
                       India ....                                           36 M    19,805
                       Turkey ....                                          177 „   97,342
                       Egypt ....                                          241 „   1.32,f50
                       Larnaca   . .   .                                             1,038
                       Algiers ....                                          2 .      644
                       Persian ports ...                                     1 w     8,298
                                                                             6 „
                      Roy re­
                       united Kingdom   .   .                               14 „     8,600
                       Switzerland .   .   .                                 1 pci.   266
                      Other sorts—
                        United Kingdom   .   .                              10 pkga.  2,600
                       Turkey  .   .   .   .                                 3 n      748
                        Egypt   .   .   .   .                                8 „     1,064
                     AbTJCLEB ROT SPECIFICD        96,810          1,10,550
                        Uuited Kingdom
                       France  .   .   .   .
                       Germany .   .   .
                       India   .   .   .   .                                        ■8,109
                       Turkey ....                                                  31,892
                       Egypt ....                                                    8,836
                       Persian ports .                                              13.763
                       Mask at  .   .   .   .                                        1,309
                       Babraio  .   .   .                                            2.006
                      Bpecic—                     12,54,850        449,160
                       United Kingdom                                               18,190
                       India .                                                     3,89,453
                       Turkey .   : .                                              1.07,644
                       Persian ports .                                             1,44.500
                       M»skat .                                                      2,505
                       Babraio .                                                   1.09,735
                       Total ot all articles     1,01 A3,030      95,18.880       74.85.289
                     Total valut o >/ exports to pri
                          cipal countries.
                      United Kingdom .            17,54 370       28,22,290        18,14,018
                      India                       18,76,660       12,39,190        12,99,928
                      Turkey                      11,82,620        7.35,200        8^5,742
                      Egjpt                       4,24,500         7,72,290        4.69.661
                      China. •  . •               41,16,490       81,68,480        27,26,664
                      Other European countries     62,270           28,640
                      France                                                        20,417
                       Germany ..   ,                                                8.280
                      Belgium ...                                                    7.242
                       Austria                                                       6.768
                       Vaskat and dependencies     26.870           62,310         2,10,321
                       Bahrain and And 'Coast     1,45,160         1,02,690        1,41>68
                       Bahrain                              set
                       Arab Coast                                                     972
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