Page 427 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 427


               Tabic thawing the principal articlet imported into Buthire during the yean t894,1895 and
                                         1896— continued.
                                       IBM.            IBM.            im.
               priorlptl wllele* *»d principal
               countries trotn whleb Imported.
                                  Quantity.  Tala*.  Quantity.  Valai.  Quantity.  Tala*.
                                            A               A               A

                                 10,168 cwta.  4,61(610  2,059 ewt*.  1,86,420
               C°£n?ted Kingdom                                    4,601 cwta   2.04,645
                India •   •                                        AO00 ,.   L86.000
                Fenian port*                                        M .      1,675
               2V» •   •   •       762 owt*.  66,400  C89 cwta.  61,670  842 cwta.   *71,728
                India •
                Uuitcd Kingdom                                      98 ,     8(232
               Iron               4,426 cwta.  85,400  6,784 cwta.  63.870  3^66 cwta.
                India .   •                                                  19,328
                United Kingdom                                     1363      14,*67
                Germany   •                                         100 „      600
                Turkish Arabia                                      42 .      210
               Brut ...            894 cwta.  31,760  271 cwta.  10,840
                India .   •                                        831 cwta.  13340
               Other ZIetaU       1,429 cwta.  19/190  1,608 owt*.  21,670
                India .   -   .                                   2,964 cwta.   27313
                Uuitcd Kingdom                                     353 „     6,640
              Metal*, Mancfactcbeb op  466 pkps.  36,700  2,631 pig*.  6,93,250
               Kero tint .       12,644 cases  60,57r  13,492 caw*  65,710
                Rujfia                                            5,140 cwts.   35,980
                India •                                            2^13 „   23,130
               Otter Oilt          749 cwta.  9,560  677 cwt*.  4,520
                India                                               62 cwt*.   1,426
                Maskat .                                           400 „     1,400
              POBCBLAIN AND CllINAWABB  1,623 pig*.  1,92,970  798 pig*.  1,09,040
                United Kingdom   •   .                             471 pkga.   47,100
                India   .   .   .   ,                              580  »»   84,800
                Belgium   .   .                                      1 Pkg-    60
                Pcriian porta  .  «.                                 1 .       42
               CAi no trace—
                China   .   .   •                                   64 pkga.  27,000
                India   .   .   .   .                               77 „     4,620
                France  .   .   .                                   34 „     8,400
                United Kingdom   .   .                               2 .      200
               Other tort*—
                France  .   .   .   .                               21 ./    2,100
                India   .   .   •   •                                8 „     1,450
                Uuitcd Kingdom                                       4 a      600
              i’lOTIMOK* AND OlLU ANBT0BE8   6,952 pkga.  74.490  6,260 pkga.  65^60
                India   •   .•   ,                                 763 bag*   76.300
                Persian  port* •   .                               326 „    82^6GO
               Otter torU—
                India    •   .                                    2,479 eases   28,071
                Persian porta   .   .                              233 pkg«.   6,308
                United Kingdom   .                                 163 caaea   6,060
                Ma.kat .   .   .                                   106 *     8,690
                Turkish Arabia                                     600 ewta.   8.000
                China      . H                                      42 oases   2,620
                Prance  .  .fe? ;, fe                               35 „     1,440
                Bahrain ...                                        100 cwta.   1,400
                Zantibar   .                                       lOOo'bojm.  400
              Silt, Manttpactubbb op   86 pkgs.  1,23.620  41 pkga  61,700
                United Kingdom                                      60 cases  85/500
                France .                                             4 .     4,000
                Turkey *                                            8 -       200
              SaVABWAB*                     10,700          21,000
                                    6 ca*e«         6 cases
              6pioib             12,460 cwts  1,93^160  4,091 cwta.  63,580
                India .   .                                       2^70 cwta.  40.880
                Persian porta .                                     8 n        80
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