Page 429 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 429
tAUe tkotoiftg the principal artieln imported into But hire during the yean 1894, 1895 and
1696— oonoludod. s
109*. IMS. 1896.
MKlpiI article* and principal
MMiUlaa from which Imported, P
Quantity. Value. Quantity, Value. Quantity, :
n R *
TeUl h/«« of < mportt from
Principal Conntriti.
United Kingdom . M4 90.18,900 1,2235.000 00,99,047
India • C9.91.O0U 44.64,140 89,03,180
Franca ••• 1638,817
Knropcan Conntrlca . 9,21330 •N 0,00,560
Turkl*h Arabiaand Turkey 1,75,990 ♦.14,500 4.42,867
Fenian porta • • • 2,80,C80 8,25,820 8,52,429
Vaekat • ’ a • 23,980 16,000 1.54385
China • 2,28,550 1,44370 65,855
Austria . ••4 61,495
Belgium ••• 55,540
Buraia . 48,000 60,000 85,980
28,800 • •• 25.020
Bahrein and Arab Coast 12,670 6.790
Bahrain . • H 24,295
Zanzibar 10.6W- Ti360 20,400
Mauritius 2,982
Germany COO
Totals 1,83,61,110 •N 133,01,490 1,34,01,080
TABLE No. 8.
Total number and tonnage of tench of each nation that entered at the port of Buthire.
Bailibg. 8TEAX. Totit.
Ho. of No. of No. of
Treacle. Toni. Trcarla. Tone. Treacle. Tons.
1834 35 6300 111 1,29,638 146 1,36,438
British ■ 1635 SO 2,400 132 1,70,434 162 1,72,834
1696 22 1,760 118 1,33.277 134 1,35,037
18P4 40 6,490 2 2,668 42 9,068
Turkiah 1695 35 1,750 1 1,389 36 3,139
1896 45 2,250 2 2,200 47 4,460
1894 6 7,203 6 7.203
Forwcglan . 1895 1 994 1 994
1896 •••
1894 160 160
Persian 1895 135 135
•S 1896 110 110
1894 00 6,000 60 6,005
Xukit 1895 17 1,700
■ 17 1,700
1896 25* 2,250 25 2,260
1894 SO 1,600 Ml SO 1,600
Arab . 1895 85 1,400 85 1,400
1896 40 1,600 40 1,600
1894 M 2 1,000 2 1,000
Prencb 1895
1896 12 16,707 12 1*6,707
German • 1895 Ml 8 0,193 8 8,190
1896 Ml 1 1,928 1 1,926
Dnteb 1895 Ml 1 696 1 696
1894 815 26,800 in 1,40,609 436 1,67,809
Total 1895 252 12650 138 1,76.706 390 139.856
1896 242 11,860 127 1.64^10 369 1.65.970
•Three carried French flan.