Page 471 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 471


                                     TABLE No. 26.
      /htntt table qf imports into all the ports tptcitiol in the Tertian Oulf%during the pears 1894,1895, and 1695.
                                    1691.             1835.             1896
                               Quantity.  Valuo.  Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.

                                            K               H                  R
                                          63,160            64,990
      A«ww- ..                                                                Mt
       Turli'b Arabia                                                         10,820
       >ts»k»t   •                                                             8,800
       Ar*b Ccetat ...                                                         8,140
       Nrjd .                                                                  3,420
       Pfiiiau polta •                             • ••                         760
      APM«lL,WIiBIKO —                    69,930            62,900
       India .   •   •   •                                                    83,260
       United Kingdom •   •                                                   19,300
       Mukat                                                                  12,000
       FubcsJ ...                                                              2,200
       Fenian porta .   •                                                      1,260
      Aimaxd Amxcxitiox—                 7.18,050         12,26 740
       United Kiugdcm .   .                                                  10.70,825
       France ...                                                            9,60,825
       MaAat ...                                                             2,02,376
       Bah tain   •   •                                                       67,745
       ler>i:in ports •                                                        53,480
       Torkey   .    .  •                                                     27,000
       India ....                                                             14,945
      Pools ASD MINTED MATTLB—   306 cases  61,400  392 cares  62,630
       lojia ....                                                  395 cases  59,500
       l'oittd Kingdom .   .           I                   •••      66  n     32,100
       TorLej ...                     r                              7         3.600
       Fnuctf ....                                                   3  fl     1.600
      BrUDINO MaTEEIaLS—                  25,100            15,850
       Ziazti-ar ...                  1                                       15,000
       P«-r*>an porta   .   .                                                 10,250
       Ttrll'h Arabia   .   .                                                  7.300
       India ....                     f                                        1,050
      ClFDLES—                0,738 ca-ts  t  58,240  10.S70 cases  95,940
       United Kingdom   .   .                                     1,945* cwts.   84,743
       Be’giuui                                                   1,136   *>  49,480
       India ....                     !                            490*   „   20,138
       Persian porta   .   .                                        •15  it    1,600
      CiFTis (country)—       1,800 C-irtA. ‘  1,00,000  1,450 cwts.  90,000
       Ptrtiar, ports                                              450 cwts.   8*0,000
       Bahrain .    m                                               76   .,    6,000
      Cattle—                 4E,?0© TwbZ ,  1,40,900  39,210 bead  1,35,590 porta   .   .                                    36,517 bead  1.111750
       Torkisb Arabia                                              418  «•     3,070
      Cons—                 I 12,579$ «cwha.  7,89,470  13,042 cwts.  8,22,370
       India .                                                    6.729 cwts.   6.46.840
       Peraiau ports   *   *                                      3,760   „  2,00,000
      Co:i and Coin  HOPE—    61.399' cwts.  1,06,370  12,100 cwts.  1,15,400
       India .                                                    9.350 cwts.   OQJlGO
       Julian porta'                                              2,500   .,  2QtQ00
       LADtibar                                                    300  ••     81676
      Cotton                  44;2S6 pfcya. 1.62.41,830  43,038 pkg*.  1,67,64,030
        . ooods-
       Indiad K'Mom                                              14,061 pkgs.   67,87,600
                                                                 13.300 M   40,67,050
      {Wan ports ’                                                 758  99   2.56,770
      * ranee   ,                                                   28        11,200
      Turkey                                                        7  99 ••   2.800
      Bahrain                                                       15         2,000
      K.akat                                                           H
                                                                    10  ft     2,000
     Li* and Twist—            6,564   ] 11,22,200  3.824 pVgs.   J 8,25/260  IM
                             {  2,722 cais.    {  2,440 owt6.
      India ,                                                   {  6,641 bundle*-   9,43,960
                                                                   929 owl*.  }
      P«Wn Ports                                                   837   „    34,980
      c“‘t*d Kingdom                                                6 bundles  1,440
     Cofo>r, Bait—             4,200 e*<c*.  93,370  4,150 owts.  1,07,100
      SuV"1*                                                      2,250 owts.   67,770
                                          • ••                    1,680 „     29,200
   466   467   468   469   470   471   472   473   474   475   476