Page 474 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 474


                 Abstract table of imports into all the ports specified in tic Persian Oulf during the years 18QJ
                                            and Jb96—continued.                     1896,

                                            1804.             1805.
             Principal articles and principal oountrloa                         1890,
                   from which Imported.
                                       Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Valuo.
                                                   R                Jt
             POBCBLAIB 1HD CmiUWAM—    2,903 pkga.  2,20,970  2,128 pkgs.  1,76,540
              India •                    • M                              2,035 pVgB.
              Persian porta                       • ft             • ••   1,001 r,,   1*00,870
              United Kiogd  om a         • M              •••              *77        60,043
              China , ,                                                     64        47.000
              France                                                        65        27.000
              Belgium                                     • at     • •       1         6,600
             Pbotiiioib ahd OiLKinaxoBBa—        4,32,680         4.06,690
              Persian porta   .   •      • M
              India........................................                          2.10,639
              Tarhiah Arabia   •   .   •                                             1.74510
              Maakat     .                                                            80.370
              Arab Coaat ....                                                         78.590
              Bahrain ....                                                            61,600
              Tantibar   .   • •                                                      23.400
              United Kingdom .   . •                               • ••                7,650
              China                                                                    6,050
              Franoe .    .   .   .                                • M                 2.620
             Saif—                     6.000 tone  90,000  6^00 tons  31,000
               Peraian porta   .   .                               • ••   6,000 tons  30,000
             Suds—                     890 cwts.  16,020  900 owls.  16,200
               Persian porta   «   .                                      3.700 cwta.
               India .   .   •   .                                         •460       26.300
              Torkiah Arabia                                               1UO „ n     6,550
             BHBLLS, MOTHBB o’PZlBL—   6.900 owts.  93,700  6,550 cwts.  86,560
               Arab Coaat .                                               2,380 cwts.   40.2-0
               Turkish Arabia   .   •                                     2,860 *     32500
               Peraian ports   .   •                                       200 „       6,00)
               Maskat                                                       70 „       2,SCO
             Silk, biw—                6,380 lbs.  49,680  6510 lbs.  49,850
               India .                            • •e                     4,055 lbs.   32.0CO
               Persian ports                                       ata     1,620 „    10,920
               Maskat   .   .   •                                           425 „
               Turkish Arabia .   •                                         212 „      3.001
                                        80 pkgs. }
              Silk, naKoracicBEs or—  {  10,5o0piecfa   2,17.670 J  11,000 pifCCB
                                                          41 pkge. |  1.49,100
               India •   .   .                                             7,000 pieces
               United Kingdom *                                              60 pkgr.
               Persian ports   i   •                                       2,770 piecei
               Turkey   •   .   .                                        {  1,399      6,300
                                                                             2 pkg*.
               Hsskat   • • •                                               600 pieces   5.000
               Franoe .    .   •
                                                                              4 pkgs.  4,000
              8ILTBBWABS—                 6 eases  10.700  6 cases  21,000
              8picb»—                 28,066* cwts.  5,18,160 10,286 cwts.
               India .   •   .                                     3,14,220           1.92,653
               Persian porta .                                             11.672 cwta.   16,550
                                                                           1,443 „
              Stitiohbbt—               311 pkgs.  38,630  621 pkga.
               United Kingdom .                                     66,270             14.000
               India .   .   .                                              103 pkgs.   10.600
               Franoe .   .   .                                             92  *       000
               China .   .   •   <                                           4   „      ICO
                                                                             1 pkge.
                                       25,262 cases
              Scoab, LOST—                                                            •••
                                       13,350 cwts.  } •*»">{ lS*fe }  9,20,460
               F ranee   .   •                                            29,050 cases   9.11,07«
                                                                          17,700 cwte.   1
                India .   .   •   ,                                    i   1,110 *    22,100
                United Kingdom .   ,                       • •              100 oases  1  7,695
                Peraian porta                                       • ••  {  200 cwts.   1.690
                Basket   .   .   .                         • •              80 cases    ’630
              Scoab, soft—             43,170 cwts.   } 12,59,270 J 43,604 cwts.   30
                                       30,968 bags      19,900 bags }  10,60,030
                India .    .                                              34,825 cwta   J 10,41*173
                                                                       \  27,163 bags
                Persian ports                                              4,000 cwts.   60.180
                                                                             9 bags 1
                France .   ,              • ••             • ••        {              10.6?5
                Mauritius .                                MS               039  •I    2,058
                                          • M              • ••             142  f»
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