Page 502 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 502
Jable thotoing the total valve of principal article* exported from the Port of Buihire durino
the year* 1893,1596 and 1Q97—continued.
me. IBM.
Principal articles and principal 1887.
coumriei to which siported.
Quantity. Valoe, Quantity. ValM. Quantity,
* It *
Dnrao AND COLOUHIHQ X1TI* 1,173 otU. 10,700 Ml
United Kingdom • 1 cwt. 119 6 owta.
India • • • ' 108 cwta. 8,636 2 „ *20
Turkey . . . 660 „ 7,028 441 „ 4.1U
Bahrein ... 223 « U03 261 „ Mie
Foraian porta • 184 . G80 *** w coo
Almondt . • 11,164 cwts. 2,79,080
India , • 3,760 cwta 62,410 8,290 cwta. *7.420
Fenian porta . U . 136 • ••
Almond Kernele—
United Kingdom 417 „ 14,7'JO 309 cwta. 11.6%
India . . 2,317 r% 81,112 1,342 „ 60,092
Other torte • 2,343 cwta. 21,180
United Kingdom 1,107 cwti. 23,030 16 cwt*. 272
India . . 605 n 6,287 4 S3 4,169
Turkey . 191 1,122 465 2,816
Egypt . 6 n 53
ll««kat . 13 „ 187 3 cwta. 15
Bahrein . , CS3 „ 4,500 CL'S 3,827
Zanzibar . 10 „ 55 99
Persian porta , 185 n 3,400 33 owta. 80
Germany , 6 „ CO
Geain and ruisc—
Barley . . 27,693 cwti. 65,400
Bahrein . . CO cwta. 200
India . . 42 c*ta. 425 C6 „ 663
Turkey . . 35 „ 340 1* .. 160
Pereiau Porta 90 „ 901 2 .. 16
Maskat . 726 „ 7,260
Wheat— 386,256 cwti. 12,39,240
United Kingdom 26,5*8 7.0*2 „
31n»k*t , . 6,865 1.539 „
Persian Ports . 714 187 *
Other eorte— 665 cwta. 3,370
India . • 25 cwta. 120
Turkey . , 63 „ 374 60 cwta. 400
Ma.kat . 209 1,122 779 „ 4.640
Persian Ports 230 „ 1,241 64 „ 260
Bahrein • 77 ,, 493 600 8,6 00
Own— 17,094 cwts. 1,24,280
United Kingdom 4.8S0 cwti. 85,588 10,693 cwta.
India . . 7,909 „ 68,003 12,968 „ l/thiBill
France . . 244 „ 1,785 7.460
Germany . 9 n C8 933 „
Turkey . . 2 * 17 45 cwta. 860
EgJPt . *1 .. 595
Uirbt • • 24
8 cwta.
Hattie, tie.—
United Kingdom 11 cwta. 1,100 87 „ 2,956
India , . 2,247
Turkey . , 358 „ 6,016 160 „
Egypt . *« - 1,020 22 ewta. xioo
France . . 9 * 2,100
46 „
Hubs and Suns— 2,933 bundle. 2,34,840
India . 8 bundle* 799 1 bundle 100
1 bundle 102
India . 2,73-tboudle. 2.26,916
Turkey . . , 8,420 bundle*} 8,04,850
United Kingdom . 8 663 7 bales