Page 506 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 506
TABLE No. n.
Table ehotoina ike total value of principal article* imported into tbe port of JSutlir* A*.:
Ot year, 1806, 189G and 1897.
18*. 1MT.
Principal artiolw and principal
aoutrlaa (torn which Imported.
Qusbtity. Vain*. Quantity. Vain*. Quantity. Talas.
Jt R M
AVPABtt. (wearing) 77 pkgs. 84,600 At
United Kingdom • 43 caaoe 19.800 75’" caaoa *8,600
India . '• ■ 26 »• 8,600 84 pkgs. 18.800
Fenian porta > * 2 caaea 800
France . 6 casos 2,200 3 •> 800
Amies aj»d Amnnrmoxs 711 pkgs. 10,18^420
Stint and Rifle***
United Kingdom • 177 enun 7,73,360 813 caaea 14.0S.600
Bgjpt . 28 1,26.000
Hasknt . 24 case* 1.03.000 22 * 99.000
Bahrein . • . s « . 13.500 28| „ 1 ,‘<8.250
India • • • 1 caae 4,500 2 »# 9,000
Turkey . . 6 caaca 27.000
France . • 213 If 9.54.000
United Kingdom . 213 casca 83.395 663 cases 2,35,650
France • 1 case #16 52 •» 21,840
Mn-kat . 41 casca 17,015 83 U 13,440
Bahrein 8 9% 1,245 26| „ 11,130
India 7 M 2,905 11 u 4,080
Other torft
United Kingdom • 17 pkga. 9,000 CKj ease* 64,800
India . 9 5^00
France . • . •ee 26 pkgs. 6,050 6 4,500
Persian ports . « 8 » 600
Maskat . 12*”pkga. 7,500 1 case 500
Turkey • • 1 r» 100
Books awd pbixtkd matter ■147 cases 33,500
United Kingdom • 66 cases 32,100 85| cases 35,250
India 95 n 47,500 79 m 89.500
Epjpt • 16 8,000
France . 3 cases 1,600 6 3,000
Tdrkey . 7 »» 3,500 1 case 500
Uermany 1 F* 200
Caxdlbs 7,550 eases 68,060
Uuited Kingdom . 1.945J cwta. 84.713 1,423 cwta. 66,780
Belgium . 1,136 307 12,220
India . . . 176| „ n 49.4-0 12 480
Canva* (country)—
India . . 81 bdla 23 bdla. 3.060
Persian porte . 1 hdl. 133
Corns 277 cwta. 208 cwta. 18,870
India . . 2,670 199 ewta. 16,2*0 9 m 850
Persian porta .
■Coir and coir rope—
India . 145 ewta. 1,600
Turkey • % 8 m 140
Corxox Goons . 2S.469 pkgs. 1,13,97,600
Qrey and white ehirtingt—
United Kingdom . 9,131 pkgs. 86.52,400 24,854 pkga. 96.93.060
India . 836 *» 1,81,040
Austria . % 6 cases 2,000 6 caaea 2.3 4»»
Egypt . * 13 *, 6,070
Persian porta . 3 bdla. U70
France . 1 case 400 2 pkga. 780
Turkey .
4 cases 1,600
India . , . 2.478 bdls. 1,007 pkga. 8.39,080
United Kingdom . 9,89,200 229 1,00,760
Persian porta • . 8,705 pkgs. 14,82,000 32 14.080
. . . 18 bdls. 6.200 1,760
France • . . 2 800 4 tt
8 pkga. 1,200